Nov 23, 2016 15:41

Monday, last week, Mum and I went to our Doctor; we had made an appointment with Mums Diabetic nurse Helle, weeks ago. We was to have our flu shots and Mum would have her yearly check-up. Then Helle fell ill, so we was to see the other nurse, Jette. It was fine until we got to the shots; she only had one, as she had over looked me. There is a severe lack of vaccinations this year so they did not have any left. Worries!!!
We did a little shopping and then went home.

Then on Thursday, I had to go to my local pharmacy for medications.
(I´ve made a payment agreement with the pharmacy, I pay the same amount of money each month, so there will be no big bills at times - I buy medicine for more than 17.000kr each year)
I asked if they had any flu shots left and yes, they had! Therefore, after answering questions to fill out paperwork, I got my flu shot free. So no worries anymore.

This Friday the Feww Grocery truck had to over roll us, as some centers in Vejgaard, took all the produce (That is fine, that is what this is fore)
Saturday I got a call they would come and I called Mum and whomever I could reach.
We got a lot of great stuff again - free, but we always give them some gas money ;)

This last Sunday, Mum and I was attending a Christmas/Flee market as sellers. It was where we have Knitting Club, and we could sell whatever we want and keep the money. The organizers would put up flyers and all, we were told.
I brought some stuff left over from Pink Saturday and a load of DVD`s that I have found. Mum had stuff from Pink Saturday too…
BOO HOO HOO - there were maybe 25 people in all!!!!!
We just lost money, as we had to pay for the tables… So next year; a big fat NO!

I have started sending out Christmas cards; and as the price for a card has increased like 300% or so, if you get a card from me, with a German stamp, I have not moved. I can send a card for ¼ of the price from Denmark, so I do that.

gift, mum, i have the best friends in the world, christmas, family, market, life, personal, Thank you♥, making stuff, holidays, friends, love, random, rl

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