Aug 16, 2014 19:10

My little Sarah - now 14 - is a Fandom Shipper!!!

For some time Sarah has been a Michael Jackson into a group and started writing Fanfiction...that was ok, I´ve seen her writing and it was innocent enough ;)

Then recently she started watching the new Sherlock Holmes series with Benedict Cumberbatch and became a big fan. I bought her the 3rd season on Amazon so could watch it.

Today she came alone for a couple of hours and we watched Monty Python and talked. She then admitted to me that she had found a Sherlock fan group.
With some fidging and stammering she told me that she is a Sherlock/Watson shipper!
She has been reading Sherlock/Watson fanfic and she liked it…though her parents were NOT to know…

To calm her down, I told her that I had read J2 fanfic for years and that some of you, my dear famous friends, started your careers in that fandom.
That calmed her.

She feel secure that she can talk to me about reading homoerotic fanfic without being judged as Auntie does the same…and that I have a bunch of wonderful friends here, that make a living writing beautiful books with that theme and that there is noting to feel bad about.

I am honoured and proud of my Sarah♥

family, fanfic, sarah, fandom

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