I was searching through FF.net (just because I was bored and I had just posted the next chapter of White Snow) and I found fics for Black Cat that are definite must reads:
Thinking Back by Yokokitsu is a Sven/Train fic which is an absolute gem. All fans of Black Cat should read this fic, it's brilliantly written and it incorporates the Manga into the chapters. The way Yokokito expresses the character's (mostly Sven and Train) emotions is superb and I think it's one of the few Black Cat fics out there that doesn't make Train look like a blank idiot (just someone who wants to be happy). (click
here to read) Rating:
Vacation with Black Cat once again a Sven/Train written by Ravekizu fic with some backseat loving. Really cute banter between the characters and scene at the end is hilarious! (click
here to read) Rating: M...ahhh Sven's kuroneko* indeed. (Train is soooo sexy! I wouldn't mind him being my kuroneko, but that takes away from the Yaoi content, now doesn't it?)
*kuroneko is Black Cat in japanese...everything sounds so much cooler in Japanese!