The main purpose of this post is to provide a place with the links to all of the chapters of Heat so people can get to it all from one place. As a bonus, however, I thought I'd post some scans of a couple of the incidents that are referred to in the story.
Firstly, here are all the chapter links:
Part One.
Part Two.
Part Three.
Part Four Part
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Oh, that brings back memories! Man, I was so terrified to turn the page... But the answer is, nothing. Wally shows up in Piper's house and Piper gives him a candle he can use to take him to Neron (long story), and that's basically all that happens to Piper in that storyline. (Which puts him ahead of pretty much everyone else in it, mind.)
Yay the conflict of living in walking distance of a comic book store and having no money...
There are some pages with him posted at scans_daily. We should definitely set up memories...
Piper's life is pretty much one craptastophe happening after another... Geez he'd probably been better off staying evil. (...hey, a plotbunny!)
In fairness, that's a development of the last five, six years. Before that he led a relatively quiet life for something like ten years, with only the occasional serious problem of his own.
It's also worth nothing that the problems he's having right now are directly attributable to the fact that he decided to go evil again (or hang out with the evil people for his own purposes, whichever is true). I suspect that the phrase "I wish I'd never heard of the Rogues" is pretty loud in his head right now, although it's a distinct possibility that "and I wish I'd never heard of the Flash either" is right behind it...
Yea, on second thought I guess the whole "bad things happen to Piper all of the time thing hasn't always been going on. It will be interesting to see what happens after Countdown since so many people aren't especially happy with him now...
Considering how long Piper have been helping in /saving the day/, I hope there weren't any Vengeance Demons around to hear him make those wishes.
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