Because Blinky is currently unable to get into LJ, and she's eager to get this anniversary celebration started, I'm putting up this first post on her behalf. More to come later!
Hi again guys! It is now, by the time where I am, anyway, the 18th of August, and the comm is officially five years old! Hooray!
As I previously posted, I'd like to use this day to celebrate all the cool things the comm has done in the last five years. This will involve a few surprises, posted through the day, and also a few posts asking people to contribute.
Posts to come:
1) The fanfic rec post!
To celebrate the cool fanfic that has been posted on the site, I'm going to put up a post a bit later and ask everyone to rec one cool fanfic from the comm's history! Share the love!
2) The fanart rec post!
Similarly, in this post we'll be reccing one fanart from the wealth of cool stuff that's been posted over the years!
Finally, the subject of this post: Your favourite moment!
I'd like to invite anyone to contribute a scan of their favourite moment with Piper and/or Trickster, either here or in it's own post. Tell people what you think is cool and why!
Want an example? Here are a couple of personal favourites behind the cut :-)
I dither over this scene or the scene in Iron Heights with Hart taking down Double Down as my favourite kickass Piper moments. He's got a shtick that's not very "up close and personal", and therefore people often tend to forget that he used to be a criminal and is quite capable of taking care of himself. And he's passionate enough to rile people up if he wants. I chose this scene in the end because it was easier to find a scan of, and the rant on the service industry is so in character :-).
I love this because it sums up James to a tee :-). Thinking ahead in a way that's guaranteed to annoy the hell out of people :-).
So there are mine. Your turn now!