Memorial Weekend to be Memorialized

May 28, 2007 12:57

Twas' the night before POTC, and all through the house, Piper was pacing, and desperately wanted out. Anywho...I called up my girls and they were all kinda sleepy and the more I thought about it I didn't really want to go out. I was happy to have a stay-in night. The happy stay-in feeling lasted about half an hour and then I wanted to do something spontaneous. My parents are so cute, they offered to take me somewhere. But I have been hanging out with them a fair bit lately and wanted something different. College kids can only hang with their parents for so long. My previous LiveJournal entry mentions a club. I was going to go to the club but canceled because all my hooligan girlfriends were in town and I thought we were going to do something (*this is in reference to the above saga of the stay-in*). Due to their lack in motivation, I found myself free on club night and hoped it wasn't too late to get in on the action. I called up my club-connection (aka Jim from school) and asked if I could still go. He just said, "It is never too late for the club!" LOL So I went! I had such a good time and felt hip and trendy. We went to the Metropolis Night club in the flats. To answer the question as to what shoes did I wear (because that was the problem in the original club post)...I wore cowboy boots! I know that sounds crazy but it looked super cute with the the skirt I wore. Even Jim (who just thinks I am one of the guys) said I looked good. The music was loud! There were lights everywhere! I had glowsticks! What could be better!

One slightly interesting thing occurred though. I was prepared for tons of drunk people and not talking to anyone because they could kidnap me etc. So as I was traveling to the restroom there was a gaggle of men. One stopped me and I was steeling myself up to say no to whatever he wanted. He had a worried expression on his face and a bottle of water in his hand. He said,"Excuse me but I have a sick friend." I must have had this confused look on my face like I am a girl and I am not going into the men's restroom and he quickly said, "It's a girl and I think she is puking. Could you please take her this water and see if she is okay." I said okay and took the water. Then another boy from the same group stopped me and I said I had already heard the whole story. As I was walking in to the restroom, they all yelled she had blonde hair and a little jacket on. So I walked in the room and there was a sofa with a girl who looked like she had twisted her ankle and her two friends were attending to her. More women were by the sinks. Not one was blonde. I thought to myself, "Oh great. Now what? I am not about to yell 'Hey is there a sick girl in here?' The worst that could happen is that I don't find her and scored a free water." As fate would have it a blonde girl in a shirt-jacket looking unhappy came out of a stall and walked to the sinks. I didn't know what to say so I just asked her if she wasn't feeling well. She looked at me with terror and I visibly saw her begin to shake. ( I couldn't blame her because I know that I would be scared if a random person came up to me). I quickly said that some guys outside asked me to check on her and give her water. She then loosened up, smiled, took the water and left. Yay! I saved the day! Okay not really but I at least delivered the water. On the way back to the dance floor I had to pass the same gaggle. They all smiled and one said thank you. It was nice.

The next day was POTC 3 day. I went out with Sarah for dining and bonding. Then we caught up with the rest of the gang for the movie. I liked it. Granted, not as much as the second POTC, but not bad.

Sunday was spent sleeping and recuperating from the two late nights in a row.

Monday is today and it's barely half-over. Who knows what I'll do next?! Whatever it is...I'll have fun!

Happy Memorial Day! Thanks to all the people in the military for serving our country! I know they aren't dead but Memorial Day shouldn't just be about dead people...
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