LOTR RPS: Billy/Elijah

Jan 14, 2006 00:00

Title: A Room With a View
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: I don't own or know Billy Boyd or Elijah Wood. I made this up.

Elijah ran, much to Billy's amusement, along the corridor from the lift to the their hotel room, and waited bouncing up and down excitedly for Billy to catch up.

"You alright Doodle?" Billy asked innocently as he slowly pulled the key-card from the pocket of his jeans and slid it into the lock. The red light flashed. "Hmmm." He tried again. The red light flashed. "Hope you're not waiting for the bathroom Lij," Billy murmured without looking up. The red light flashed a third time.

"Fuck this." Elijah ripped the key-card out of Billy's hands and unlocked the door. "Forty years old and you can't work a key," he muttered, pushing past the older man into the room.

"I am not forty,"Billy said as calmly as he could and kicked the door shut behind him.



"Hey look," Elijah exclaimed pulling open the door to balcony. "Look at our view!"

Billy leaned against the door-frame watching the younger man, enjoying his excitement.



"You're staring at me."

"Is that not allowed?"

Elijah shrugged. "Well why are you staring?"

"Because you're beautiful and I love you. And I love the way you can go from bouncing with excitement over having sex to bouncing with excitement over the view in two seconds flat. And I love the way you blush like that when someone pays you a compliment because it's just about the only thing that embarrasses you."

"Who says I was excited about having sex? Maybe I just wanted to get outside and have a smoke."

"We spent ten minutes walking from the taxi to the lobby so you could have a smoke."


Billy heaved an exaggerated sigh. "Well if that's what it was, I think I'll go have a shower before dinner. Enjoy the view."

Elijah smoked two cigarettes before giving in and making his way to the bathroom, pulling his clothes off as he went. Hearing Billy singing through the bathroom door, he smiled.

"You took your time," Billy shouted over the rush of the water as Lij pushed open the door, sending a draft of cold air through the room. "Did you have two just to spite me?"

"Fuck off," Elijah said grinning as he stepped into the shower.

Billy chuckled and wrapped his arms around Elijah, dipping his head to kiss along the young man's collarbone. "Lij..."

"Yes?" Elijah moaned arching back to give Billy better access. He ran his hands up Billy's arms and gripped his shoulders.

"Fuck me."

Elijah's head snapped forward, colliding with Billy's. "Ow."

"Fuck. Was that a no then?"

"Ow. Jesus. Of course it wasn't a no. Are you serious?"

Billy rolled his eyes. "Of course I'm serious. Idiot."

"Turn around."

"Eager aren't you?" Billy laughed, thoroughly amused, but did as he was asked.

"Bill," Elijah said gently, grimacing as he realised that shampoo was going to have to suffice for lube. "We don't have to."

"I want to," Billy soothed, half turning so he could reach back and stroke his lover's face. "I do."

The younger man nodded and squirted some shampoo from the bottle into his hand. He stroked himself a couple of times in preparation, then gently began to rub then rest of the liquid against Billy's entrance. He slid one finger inside slowly, moving in and out until Billy was comfortable. He added a second finger. "You ok?"

"Lij... so good."

Elijah smiled and slid in three fingers twisting slightly.

"Fuck me."

Humming with pleasure Lij withdrew his hand and replaced it with his cock, pushing forward into Billy with a moan.

"Shit," Billy hissed, hands clenching and un-clenching against the wall.

"Bill? Is it...?"

"Fuck, so good. Don't you dare stop."

Stopping was the furthest thing from Elijah's mind and he was quite happy to fulfill each of Billy's requests as they were wrenched from him.

"Harder, please Lij, yes, so good... Ah fuck right there, do that again... Jesus, oh yes that's... that's... faster love, please, I need..."

At this Elijah curved his arm around his lover's body and grasped his cock, stroking it quickly as his own pace quickened.

Billy threw his head back, eyes squeezed tightly shut, mouth open as his he came silently over Elijah's hand. Seeing Billy come, feeling his body clench around his cock, was enough to push the younger man over the edge and he thrust deep once more, coming hard inside Billy's arse.

"That was fantastic," Billy moaned, leaning his head against the wall of the shower. "It was just..."

Elijah withdrew carefully and wrapped himself around Billy, pressing kisses to every inch of skin he could reach. "Yeah."

Billy turned his head and kissed Elijah thoroughly.

"Hmmm," he sighed happily, turning off the shower. "You didn't want to do anything tonight did you?"

Elijah shrugged and shook his head. "No. Why?"

Billy grinned. "Well if I order room service while you have your traditional cig, we can spend the evening finding out what else that balcony's good for."

billy/elijah, lotr rps

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