LOTR RPS: Billy/Elijah

Jan 14, 2006 00:05

Title: Complaisant
Rating: R/NC17
Disclaimer: I don't own or know Billy Boyd or Elijah Wood. I made this up.

"Here's your tea Billy."

Elijah set a cup down in front of Billy who smiled his thanks as he ate his porridge.

"Where's mine?" Dom asked as Elijah stepped around him to take his own seat.

"Um, in the pot?"

"Why does he get his and not me?"

"I only have two hands," Elijah muttered as he looked away, his face turning an interesting shade of red.

Dom grinned and opened his mouth with every intention of thoroughly embarrassing the boy.

Billy kicked him.


"Orlando," Billy called from the kitchen, "it's your turn to do the dishes."

"It's your house Bill. They're your dishes."

Billy threw a damp tea towel at Orlando's head from the doorway and strolled into the living room. "I cooked. You know the rules."

"I'll do it Billy."

"No Elijah, it's Orlando's turn." Billy prodded Orlando with his foot. "Move your arse."

"But Elijah wants to do it," Orlando protested with a smirk.

"Yeah I want to do it," Elijah said nodding enthusiastically as he stood and practically ran towards the kitchen.

Orlando collapsed in a fit of giggles on the floor.

Billy sighed and hit him over the head with a cushion.


Dom slapped Billy on the back and wished him a good night when they emerged from the trailer to find Elijah polishing the windows of Billy's car.

"Lij? What are you doing?"

"Um..." Elijah looked up and blushed. "Well I was waiting... I was bored and... I just thought I could help... Where's Dom?"

"Dom went home. We thought you had too."

Elijah shuffled from one foot to the other and mumbled something Billy didn't catch.


"Nothing. I should go."

"Lij wait..."

"I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"

Billy grabbed his arm and stopped him. "Have dinner with me."


Billy moaned as Elijah's tongue licked the length of his cock.

"Is that alright?"

Billy's fingers tangled in Elijah's hair, begging him. "Lij, fuck yes, that's perfect. Please..."

"Yes Billy," Elijah murmured sucking the head into his mouth.

"Lij you know... ah, you know you don't have to keep doing things for me now, don't you?"

"I just want to make you happy."

"You do... ah Christ you do..."

"And it's not as if I got nothing out of it..." Elijah smirked before taking Billy's cock down his throat.

Billy laughed and let his eyes fall closed, reveling in the sensation.

billy/elijah, lotr rps

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