So, where was I?
Oh yes, the house. I'll move right along to the outside now.
This is a picture of our patio, complete with new table and chairs (thanks Mom, Dad and Grandparents!). Beyond the patio, you can see a bit of our back yard (which is sloped) and our neighbors yard. What I love about this pic is you can really see a bit of the view we have of the South Hill. Yep. That is the side of the South Hill there. It is so peaceful down in the valley.
After weeding this walkway a number of times, I let it grow for a while, and! low and behold, what I thought were weeds were actually flowers! There are some volunteer petunias and another flower I don't know that have actually sprung up in a few places around the house. I know there are also some weeds in there also, but I stopped weeding it, hoping for more flowers to appear!
We also have 4 rose bushes as well. This red one, the below pink one, and two small yellow ones.
One thing left behind by the previous owners was two nice raised beds. The first task I set myself on once we moved in was to get the garden ready for planting. We have carrots, corn, zucchini, watermelon (shown below), pumpkin, peas, cantaloupe, and onions! It has been so much fun to watch K's reaction to the garden. He has never grown anything like this before, so he was amazed to hear that corn plants actually come from seeds that look like... CORN! And so on and so forth. :D
This is a really early picture of the watermelon plant. There is now one the size of my head and I'm going to cut it up for dinner this week. The rest were all eaten by the birds before they had a chance to really grow. Next year I'll have to put something up to scare away the birds.
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