(no subject)

Mar 14, 2017 20:48

I have something to bitch about so here it goes lj. Daniel can be such a fucking black and white insensitive aspie prick sometimes!!!!! ARGGGGHHH

We are cleaning out and packing the house and for weeks he keeps making comments about selling my exercise bike. I tell him it's important to me and I want to keep it. He says well you never use it so you made a deal with me when we bought it that we would sell it if you didn't use it. But I used it a few times a week for months when I lost 60lbs over the summer. That to me, is using it! Sure I haven't used it for awhile but for fuck sake we were going through our busy season during Christmas and now all this moving stuff and I am just not into losing weight right now - just like he isn't! Its what we do, what everyone does, go in and out of caring about fitness. It's normal! And I like my bike god damnit. I can't just go out in public or to a gym to work out I'm too embarrassed. This is literally the only piece of exercise equipment I have ever used and liked. I told him all this and have been asking him so nicely to just be supportive and let this one go. He says he was supportive when he agreed to buy it and build it for me, but that doesn't matter. I tell him CONGRATULATIONS for that but the support shouldnt stop there and does this really fucking matter?!?!! I'm crying and asking him to just be nice he knows it bothers me when he hates something I'm doing and doesn't approve and it's going to ruin my experience of liking the bike! I'll see it now and just think of how it's caused this big THING and he is mad at me for having it. Then I look around the garage and realize that Daniel is actually a huge fucking hoarder himself and do I ever make such a big deal out of it?? No I'm fucking supportive if he wants to keep in the garage EVERY fucking empty box from all the shit we buy. Oh, you need the box to that blender we bought seven years ago??? WE HAVE IT. Oh, you want to keep every single wire or cable you ever get in 5 whole boxes in the closet??? OK!!!

He says well you don't have a problem with keeping stuff you don't want in the house and I do.

God he can go fuck himself sometimes. Why do I let him wind me up to the point where I am crying? I should just roll my eyes at him and hold steady that OF COURSE I am keeping the bike whether he likes it or not.

Guess the thing that pisses me off is that he will never apologize or see he is in the wrong.. and all for something so small and stupid. Does he care that it's important to me and that I feel unsupported and that I'm crying? Nope. Just that his garage is in order.

Ugh. Men.
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