[FIC] Do you remember? Part 2

Jan 06, 2014 15:26

Title: Do you remember?
Author: pinkynishi
Genre: Fluff, Romance, slight drama, one-shot
Theme: Winter holidays
Raiting: PG
Summary: New Year, new love.
Warning: Jin''s POV & read Do you remember? Part 1 before!

I remember that I had seen you around campus a few times…but I didn’t even know your name. I didn’t know your hobbies or even your major.

The first time I really saw you, was when I was standing in line at the concession stand of the ski resort we were at for the winter holidays. You were sitting with your friends at a table, eating lunch and talking. I noticed you immediately because of your laugh. I heard it once at school and since then, my heart was set on you. I remember how I panicked when you turned your gaze and looked at me. I know that I get red really fast so it wouldn’t surprise me if you told me that I was as red as a tomato.

It took a complete stranger to snap me out of my daze. The lady at the counter was really annoyed with me… I can’t really blame her though. I thought of ways I could approach you but none of them seemed appropriate…considering how shy we were back then…and our life now, I guess we were meant to be!

I was sad when I saw that you were leaving with your friends...though I know that I wouldn’t’ve approached you while you were with them. You know me, I’m afraid of crowds…come to think of it…how did I end up a teacher? Anyways.

Thinking about you was driving me crazy, especially since I knew that you were staying at the same resort as me for at least 7 days. I tried to shake my thoughts away but I couldn’t. Instead, I ended up in a dare with Koki and Junno. We were daring each other to go down a black-diamond slope. I was very confident with my skills, even if I had just been skiing for 2 days. That and, I hate being called chicken. I was braver than I am now…I blame you for that. You made me soft.

I remember how fast my heart was beating when I positioned my self at the top of the slope I had quickly dubbed Jin’s stupid dare and probably death slope. I took one last breath and went down.

Seconds later, a guy appeared at my side, concerned for my well-being. A complete stranger! How nice!


“Are you O.K?” He shouted as I was going out of control.

“No. No I’m really not.” I answered, shaking my head vigorously. I tried to keep my balance but I was sure to fall.

“Bend your knees more.” The stranger told me. I did as I was told and somehow, I was going straight again. “We’re going to have to stop soon…Do you know how to stop?” He asked me.

How do I stop again? What is it called? “Th-the pizza thing…right?”

“We’re going too fast for the pizza. You’re going to have to stop like a hockey player. Do you skate?”

“Ye-yeah…but I don’t know how to stop like that with skis! I’m scared!”

It’s fuzzy. It all happened really fast. But I remember glancing at the strangers face and feeling my heart skip up beat, resulting in me ending up falling face first in the snow. I tumbled down for a couple of meters, fully aware that my skis had left me, and ended my fall on my back.

“Are you ok?” The stranger asked, falling to his knees next to me.

“I’m not sure.” I answered. “I think I sprained something.

“Can you get up?” The stranger got up and offered me a hand..

I took it and you helped me get to my feet. “Thank you.” I said. I started to look around cursed under my breath when I saw how far up my sticks and skis were. “My skis are way up there.” I said, pointing the two sticks that were sticking out of the snow.

“Wait here.” The stranger hurried up the steep slope, reaching the skis in no time. They weren’t far. Barely 10 meters up. While he was going up, the skiers avoided me, though telling me to get out of the way. I ignored them and he ran back to me, my skis and sticks in hand.

“We have to go down now.” He told me.

“Yeah. Figured.” I said, taking your skis under your arm.

I spoke very little on the way down. It wasn’t because I was shy or because I was ashamed of my fall…I just couldn’t muster up the right words…I wanted to reach out to this stranger…and I didn’t know why. It was a new feeling for me.

"I'm Kazuya" The stranger finally said as we were making our way down

"Jin." I simply answered. "Thanks again...for helping me. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been there..."


I remember that this Kazuya was laughing at me after I had finished speaking. A laugh I knew I recognize but I didn’t want to make any assumptions…I’ve been told to calm down more than once…you know that, don’t you? I didn’t know why he was laughing, but he ended up telling me that he was imagining a Jin-Shaped hole at the bottom of the slope. I couldn’t help myself…and I started to laugh. Nobody would’ve been able to guess that we had just met.

Our friends were waiting for us at the bottom of the slope. Mine had obviously been worried about me. They ran to us so fast, telling me that they had seen me fall. While Kazuya’s friends were asking him what had taken so long, I was telling mine how he had saved me.

We all went back inside to examine if I had been hurt or not in my fall and when you took off your ski mask, I recognized you immediately. I felt my face flush once again and try to get my thoughts cleared. It didn’t really work.

We stayed behind to talk while our friends decided went back outside. We talked about where we lived, what our hobbies were...a little bit of everything. I learned that you were 19, two years younger than me, that you were majoring in Business and that you had just started last autumn. In my case, I told you that I wanted to become an English teacher and that I was in the University’s soccer team.

Your friends came back and I left to go find mine. I exploded with joy as soon as I had left the building. I couldn’t keep my happiness bottled up anymore. Junno was happy to see how happy I was but Koki brought me back down to Earth, telling me that we didn’t know if you “swung that way” I thanked them for being there for me and I told them that I wouldn’t jump to conclusions like I was known to do.

Even though it was the first time in my whole life that I felt so strongly about someone that I had just met.

We saw each other everyday after that. Do you remember? You taught me and my friends how to stop properly and the six of us went down slopes together. We ate dinner together…we even all went to the outdoors spa together. It was like we had all known each other for years.

Your friends were great to be around. At that time, Yuichi was majoring in music composition, dreaming of maybe becoming the agent of the next great star. He would have to do other studies, of course, but that didn’t bring him down. I can’t believe he’s making it world wide now! It’s incredible! As for Tat-chan, he had started his major in public relations, hoping to become a journalist. I guess he did pretty good!


The days passed and our holiday was sadly coming to an end. I was sad, really, because I knew that we wouldn't see each other much around school. We weren’t the same corners of the university. The only thing I could look forward to right now was the resort’s New Years Party.

I remember how stressed I was when came time to leave. Junno kept making fun of me, telling me how cute I was because of how I was reacting. I told him to bug off, that it was the first time I ever felt so strongly for someone, that I didn’t want to blow my chance with you.

You’re judging me right now…aren’t you? Was that too corny? I love you~

We ended up going earlier. But that was ok…until people decided that it would befun to have a snowball fight whilst in our jeans and shirts. The boys wanted me to join but I was reluctant to the idea. I managed to out-run them and I hid somewhere in the room. I don’t exactly remember where.

Now that I think about it…I realize that my habit of dragging you into my unplanned activities started early. Sorry about that.

You probably remember this but…As soon as I saw you…I came out of my hiding place. The thought of being seen escaped my mind and, for a second, I could only think about you. I was about to say something to you when I was suddenly dragged away. Without thinking, I grabbed your arm and dragged you along.

We were outside, and I couldn’t stop apologizing. "I'm so sorry I dragged you into this. Really, I’m really, really sorry.I don't know why I dragged you along...I'm really sorry."

I remember that you started to laugh at me. I was getting used to that already. You grabbed a handful of snow and threw it over our small fort, hitting someone on the head.

"I didn't tell you this before but...I'm the main pitcher for the University's baseball team." You told me with a small wink.

"That's awesome! Could you show me how to throw like you?" I asked you.

You showed me the basic tricks for a good throw and demonstrated by hitting the same person as the first time. You said that my technique was flawless, that much I remember. I only lacked strength.

I was confident for my next throw. I slowly looked over the fort, spotting my next victim. Little did I know, someone had plans for me. You remember this. Of course you do. You laughed SO much when that snow ball hit me in the face! You couldn’t stop laughing! My eyelashes were starting to freeze together and an icicle was forming on the tip of my nose but you were laughing. At some point…I couldn’t be mad anymore. I started to laugh with you.

We went inside an hour later. Every one was freezing and dripping wet. While we went around the fire to get dry, Yuichi and Koki were talking together, discovering how much they had in common. Koki was in the the music program, like Yuichi, but his major was performance. But…as you know, Yuichi ended up becoming his agent and now, they tour together. I remember that, while we were talking, he was showing Koki his beat-boxing talents. It was incredible to hear!

“Jin your face is really red, are you Ok?” Junno asked me as I shivered in front of the fire.

“Whaddya think?” I hissed at him. “I got a snowball right in the face for crying out loud! DON’T-” I turned to you, pointing you vigorously with my index finger.. “Don’t you dare laugh.”

“I won’t-I promise.” You were clearly chocking back a laugh, I could see it in your eyes. I was about to let it slide but Junno sold you off. At that moment, I brought my blanket over my head and I started to sulk. As a joke, of course. But you didn’t know that until now.

“Oh don’t be like that!” You told me, pushing me shoulders a little. “You’re not the worst off! I heard that Takashi from the communication major stuck a snowball down someone’s pants! Now that’s bad!”

Slowly, my shoulders started to shake with laughter. “I guess you’re right.” I took down my hood and smiled brightly.


It was getting pretty late, pretty fast. The countdown was about to start. The lights of the room were closed and we gathered near the bay window to watch the fireworks. I was standing near Koki and Junno was on my other side.


You started to countdown from 10 like everyone else.


My heart was beating hard in my chest, I was smiling so much it as almost hurting me.


You looked at me, an even bigger smile plastered on your face.


Were you thinking the same thing as me?


Did you want to kiss me as bad as I wanted to kiss you?


Junno started to laugh. I knew that laugh. I knew something evil was about to happen.


Koki turned to look at Junno, question marks in his eyes, mouthing “What are you planning?”


His eyes widened when he realized what Junno was about to do. He started to back up but it was too late.


Junno grabbed his face, the agony was clear in Koki’s eyes.


And kissed him hard on the lips.

“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Everyone shouted.

We were all laughing uncontrollably at Koki’s reaction. Obviously, Junno had meant it as a joke. Having no one to kiss at midnight, he had decided to kiss Koki! Tatsuya had made a move on Kazumi and they started off the New Year with a kiss. Yuichi, on the other hand, had decided to kiss his bottle of whisky. Little did he know that the girl that saw him do that would end up being his future wife! She found him so funny that she started to talk to him.

As everyone around me, or almost everyone, was kissing to the New Year, my heart sunk a little. I was awkwardly looking around me but it was so dark I could barely see a thing.

Little did I know that you were doing the same thing meters away.

I yelped a little when I felt someone push me forwards, making me bump into a stranger.

“Sorry-“ I said at the same time as the stranger. “I was pushed-“ We did it again.

I backed up a little, but stopped when I saw that you were the one that I had bumped into. Your eyes were almost as big and bright as the moon. The room was dark but the light coming from the fireworks, might I add: the loud fireworks, allowed me to see the blush on your face. Do you remember how you felt Kazuya? Back then? Before our first kiss? I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest!

“I’m sorry Jin-I think Yuichi pushed me-“ You told me

“I uh-Yeah. Koki-” I looked over my shoulder and Koki nodded at me, whilst still wiping his mouth oh Junno’s cooties. When I looked back at you, I was as nervous as ever. I swallowed so hard I was afraid you would hear it. “Happy New Year Kazuya.” I whispered, leaning down slowly, just a bit, to place a kiss on your lips.

I wasn’t sure if I was doing to right thing or not. I was the kind to often put my foot in my mouth and I sucked at relationships. Was this one going to fast?

Then again, Tatsuya was kissing a girl he had barely met.

After that I thought: what the hell. It’s worth a try.


We held hands after that, watching the fireworks together. Do you remember Kazuya? After the show, we stayed up until 3am, cuddled in front of the fireplace of the hotel’s lobby. It was so calm and peaceful.

That New Years was one of the best.

And we have many more to come.

A//N : Hope you liked it! I've been working on this for months. Please please comment?

( Do you remember? Part 1 )

fic: do you remember

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