[FIC] Do you remember?

Jan 06, 2014 15:23

Title: Do you remember?
Author: pinkynishi
Genre: Fluff, Romance, slight drama, one-shot
Theme: Winter holidays
Raiting: PG
Summary: New Year, new love.
Warning: Kazuya's POV, emotional rollercoaster

Back then, I had seen you around campus a few times, but I didn't really pay attention to your actions. Like myself, you were on one of the School’s sports team and…that’s basically all I knew about you.

The first time I really noticed you, was when you were standing in line at the concession stand of the ski resort we were at for the winter holidays. Your ski jacket had caught my attention. It was bright green with purple and blue squares all over. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. Your hair was brought back with a headband and your cheeks were tainted red from the cold. Even the tip of your nose was red. I remember that my friends were talking to me but I don’t remember what they were saying. Maru was probably saying something about the fact that I never listen and Tat-Chan was probably agreeing with him, pointing out that it was happening right as they spoke. Typical me, right?

I remember how I felt when your gaze landed on me. I felt my face heat up like it was 40°c outside instead of -30°c. My heart was beating so fast I was scared that you could see it beat…even through my thick winter coat.

That’s when I started to believe in love at first sight.

I remember how your cheeks got even redder and how you quickly looked away…only to glance back at me seconds later.

I remember how annoyed the lady was because she couldn't get your attention to take your order…and how a complete stranger had to tap your shoulder so you would look away. I couldn't help but laugh as you turned to her, embarrassed.

I was sad when my friends got up and pulled me along with them. They hadn’t noticed that I had my eye on you. I was shy at the time…we were only teenagers after all… you can’t blame me for being shy right?

We went down a couple of slopes after that, my friends didn't take long to notice that I was being a little distant and they were concerned. I told them that it was nothing, that I had something on my mind.

Someone actually.

But at that time, even if they knew everything about me, I wasn't ready to talk about it.

It was driving me crazy; Thinking about you. I was going over different scenarios in my head…about how I would introduce myself if I ever talked to you…or how I would react if you ever came to talk to me…if I ever saw you again that is.

At some point, I left my friends alone to ski together, in the easy slopes. I went back the black diamond slopes. I needed an adrenaline rush and I knew they weren’t ready for those.

I had just left my friends when a group of three caught my attention as they were coming off the lift. I immediately recognized your colorful ski jacket. You were laughing so hard with your friends that I was almost laughing. You were daring each other to go to the black diamond slopes, and you were all saying that you could go down without a sweat. I remember how I snickered under my scarf while I was watching you. You were obviously new to skiing, wobbling on your skis like baby penguins learning to walk.

I remember that you were very confident and, with the encouragement of your two penguin friends, you went towards the slope. The other two were calling you chicken, sure that you would chicken out and end up going down the slope that I had dubbed Winnie and friends. A slope so easy, that even you could do with your eyes closed after 5 times.

As I got closer, you being in the slope I had intended to go down, I noticed that you were laughing nervously, positioning yourself at the top of the slope. Then, to the surprise of your friends, you went down. They gasped and got closer, making sure that they wouldn't go down as well. You were going too fast and you didn't know how to control you movements.

I remember how I jolted pass the other two, telling them to move as I went down after the lost baby penguin. Putting my weight into it, I managed to catch up to you. I could hear it in your breath that you were panicking.


“Are you O.K.?” I shouted to you as I tried to stay close.

You shook his head vigorously. “No. No I’m really not.” You said, trying to keep your balance on your skis.

“Bend your knees more.” Thankfully, we were in a slope that simply went straight down, no turns, but it was very steep. For a beginner, it was scary. “We’re going to have to stop soon. Do you know how to stop?”

“Th-The pizza thing right?”

“We’re going too fast for the pizza. You’re going to have to stop like a hockey player. Do you skate?”

“Ye-Yeah but I don’t know how to stop like that with skis! I’m scared.”


It’s fuzzy. It all happened really fast. But I remember ending up skiing alone, you had suddenly fallen face first in the snow. I quickly looked back and saw you tumbling down for a couple meters or so. Your skis had flown off and you were just lying there. I stopped dead in my tracks and took off my skis, planting them in the snow before I ran to you. I knew it wasn't safe but, if I didn't help you…who would?

When I reached you, you were on your back, looking up at the sky, your breath short.


“Are you ok?” I asked you, panting as I fell to my knees next to you.

“I’m not sure.” You answered. “I think I sprained something.

“Can you get up?” I up, offering you a hand.

You took it and I helped you up. “Thank you.” You said. You started to look around and remember that you cursed under your breath. “My skis are way up there.” You said, pointing the two sticks that were sticking out of the snow.

“Wait here.” I told you. I hurried up the steep slope, reaching the skis in no time. They weren’t far. Barely 10 meters up. The skiers avoided me, though telling me to get out of the way. I ignored them and ran back to you, your skis and sticks in hand. “We have to go down now.” I told you.

“Yeah. Figured.” You said, taking your skis under your arm.

You spoke very little on the way down. I don't know if it was because you were shy or because you were ashamed that someone helped you but...I still couldn't stop smiling under my scarf. Somehow...simply being with you made my heart flutter.

"I'm Kazuya" I finally said as we were making our way down, not knowing what to expect other than your name.

"Jin."  You simply answered in a tone that I found adorable. "Thanks again...for helping me. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been there..."


I remember how you looked at me when I laughed at what you said. Obviously, there was nothing funny but...I had just imagined a Jin-shaped hole in the wall of the cabin that was at the bottom of the slope. You laughed so hard when I told you my vision. Nobody would’ve been able to guess that we had just met.

Our friends were waiting for us at the bottom of the slope. Yours had obviously been worried about you. They ran to you so fast, telling you that they had seen you fall. While my friends were asking me what had taken so long, considering I was normally the one that waited for them, you were telling your friends how I had saved you, and were making me out to be much more of a hero than what I actually was.

We all when back inside to examine if you had been hurt or not in your fall and when I took off my ski mask I could see it in your face that you finally recognized me. Your face flushed then turned back to its usual colour. I didn't say anything back then but...to that day, that is the cutest face you have ever made.

We stayed behind to talk while our friends decided went back outside. We talked about where we lived, what our hobbies were...a little bit of everything. I learned that you were 21, two years older than me, that you were studying to be an English teacher and that you were in the school’s Soccer team. In my case, I told you that my major was Business, that I had just started University that autumn.

My friends came back, and you left to go find yours. I couldn't hold it in any longer; as soon as you were out of the building, I started to smile uncontrollably. My friends weren't stupid though; they knew the reason why I, in my whole teenage life, had only had one girlfriend. And they knew why it hadn't lasted very long. They told me to be careful, that we didn't know if you "swung that way" and I simply told them that I could take care of myself.

Even though it was the first time in my whole life that I felt so strongly about someone that I had just met.

We saw each other everyday after that. Do you remember? I taught you your friends how to stop properly and the six of us went down slopes together. We ate dinner together…we even all went to the outdoors spa together. It was like we had all known each other for years.

Your friends were great to be around. At that time, Koki was majoring in music production, perusing his rapping career. I can’t believe he’s making it world wide now! It’s incredible! As for Junno, especially once you know who you’re dealing with; his major was the most surprising: Psychology. Even now, after all these years, I find it weird. Taguchi Junnosuke, a psychologist. Even though he’s successful…around us he’s not serious. It’s hard to believe is all.


The days passed and our holiday was sadly coming to an end. I was sad, really, because I knew that we wouldn't see each other much around school. We weren’t the same corners of the university. I would maybe see Junno, here or there, but even so, it wasn't the same major. The only thing I could look forward to right now was the resort’s New Years Party.

I remember acting like such a girl when it was almost time to go. I kept asking Yuichi and Tatsuya if my clothes were ok...or if it looked like I was trying to hard. I remember the party was in event room A. It's stupid but the reason I remember is because your last name starts with the same letter.

You’re judging me right now…aren’t you?

We were greeted by people we didn't know. Other people from the University, obviously, but we were so many on this trip that I had no idea who most of them were…but hey, we were all there to have fun. I remember that Yuichi told me many times to chill because I kept looking around the room to see if I could find you. I don’t know if you remember but, as it turns out, you were hiding from Junno because he wanted you to join his team for the snowball fight and you didn't want to.

Now that I think about it…I realize that your habit of dragging me into your unplanned activities started early.

Do you remember Jin? When you saw me, you came straight towards me. You let yourself out in the open like an easy prey, with your guard down, and your friends didn't miss that and grabbed you away.

I was extremely surprised when you grabbed my sleeve and dragged me along, taking me away from Tatsuya and Yuichi, who didn't know how to react to such a sudden kidnapping.


"I'm so sorry I dragged you into this. Really, I’m really, really sorry." You kept saying. "I don't know why I dragged you along...I'm really sorry."

You were so adorable, flustered like you were. I couldn't help bit laugh and made the best out of the situation: I grabbed a handful of snow, made it into a ball, looked over my shoulder and threw it, right onto someone’s head.


The face you made when you saw my headshot was amazing! I want to say that I wish I had had a camera but...considering I still remember after all this time...I think I’m fine.

"I didn't tell you this before but...I'm the main pitcher for the University's baseball team." I told you with a small wink.

"That's awesome!" You told me. "Could you show me how to throw like you?" you asked me.


I showed you the basic tricks for a good throw and demonstrated by hitting the same person as the first time. Your technique was flawless, that much I remember. You only lacked strength.

But I swear my hand on my heart, that when you looked over our small fort, ready to throw, and got hit in the face. To this day, that was the time I laughed the most in my whole life. Never, ever, had someone managed to make me gasp for air like you did that night.

I remember that, at first, you were telling me to stop laughing, that your face hurt, but, when I calmed down (barely holding it in) and saw that your long lashes were frozen in ice, and that you almost had an icicle forming on the tip of your nose, I exploded again. Some teammate I was, eh? It didn’t take long before you started to laugh with me.

We went inside an hour later. Every one was freezing and dripping wet. While we went around the fire to get dry, Yuichi and Koki were talking together, discovering how much they had in common. Yuichi had just started the music program, like Koki, but his major was composition. But…as you know, he ended up becoming Koki’s agent and now, they tour together. I remember that, while we were talking, he was showing Koki his beat-boxing talents. It was incredible to hear! Tatsuya, on the other hand, was talking to a girl from his program, Kazumi. As soon as he introduced us, I never forgot her name; it was too much like mine! It’s been a while since I’ve seen them…After their wedding they traveled a lot…but I think that they’re going to come see you soon. They miss you. They’re probably going to come with their kids, I hope you don’t mind the noise!


“Jin your face is really red, are you Ok?” Junno asked you as you shivered in front of the fire.

“Whaddya think?” You hissed at him. “I got a snowball right in the face for crying out loud! DON’T-” You suddenly turned to me, your index pointed right at me. “Don’t you dare laugh.”

“I won’t-I promise.” I choked back a laugh. I didn’t want to laugh at the fact that you had gotten hit…but the fact that you were pissed was hilarious. Junno saw it in my face that I wanted to laugh and he gave me away by laughing.

When you saw that, you brought the blanket over your head and started to sulk.

“Oh don’t be like that!” I told you, pushing your shoulders a little. “You’re not the worst off! I heard that Takashi from the communication major stuck a snowball down someone’s pants! Now that’s bad!”

Slowly, your shoulders started to shake with laughter. “I guess you’re right.” You took down your “hood” and smiled brightly. I stopped shivering as soon as I saw that heart-warming smile.


It was getting pretty late, pretty fast. The countdown was about to start. The lights of the room were closed and we gathered near the bay window to watch the fireworks. You still had a big blanket over your shoulders and you were staring up at the stars. You were such a dreamer back then…well, even now you are. I admire you so much for that. I was standing near Yuichi, a couple meters away and Tatsuya was still talking to Kazumi. Somehow, I knew that they would end up together.


You started to countdown from 10 like everyone else.


My heart was beating hard in my chest, I was smiling so much it as almost hurting me.


You looked at me, an even bigger smile plastered on your face.


Were you thinking the same thing as me?


Did you want to kiss me as bad as I wanted to kiss you?


Junno started to laugh. I quickly learned that that laugh meant that he was going to do something evil. Funny and brilliant, but evil.


Koki turned to look at Junno, question marks in his eyes, mouthing “What are you planning?”


His eyes widened when he realized what Junno was about to do. He started to back up but it was too late.


Junno grabbed his face, the agony was clear in Koki’s eyes.


And kissed him hard on the lips.

“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Everyone shouted.

We were all laughing uncontrollably at Koki’s reaction. Obviously, Junno had meant it as a joke. Having no one to kiss at midnight, he had decided to kiss Koki! Tatsuya had made a move on Kazumi and they started off the New Year with a kiss. Yuichi, on the other hand, had decided to kiss his bottle of whisky. Little did he know that the girl that saw him do that would end up being his future wife! She found him so funny that she started to talk to him. They’re great together, him and Chizuko, don’t you think?

As everyone around me, or almost everyone, was kissing to the New Year, my heart sunk a little. I was awkwardly looking around me but it was so dark I could barely see a thing.

Little did I know that you were doing the same thing meters away.

I yelped a little when I felt someone push me forwards, making me bump into a stranger.

“Sorry-“ I said at the same time as the stranger. “I was pushed-“ We did it again.

I backed up a little, but stopped when I saw that you were the one that I had bumped into. Your eyes were almost as big and bright as the moon. The room was dark but the light coming from the fireworks, might I add: the loud fireworks, allowed me to see the blush on your face. Do you remember how you felt Jin? Back then? Before our first kiss? I thought I was going to be sick!

In a good way, I mean.

“I’m sorry Jin-I think Yuichi pushed me-“

“I uh-Yeah. Koki-” I noticed you looked behind your shoulder and I saw that Koki nodded at you, whilst still wiping his mouth oh Junno’s cooties. When you looked back at me, I could see that you were nervous. But god was it going to get better! “Happy New Year Kazuya.” You whispered, a warm smile on your face as you leaned down, just a bit, to place a kiss on my lips.

Back then, I was so surprised! I didn’t know how to react! Was this relationship going to fast? We had only known each other for a week! Sure…we had been together for almost the whole week and everyone was getting along but….I couldn’t help but think.

Then again, Tatsuya was kissing a girl he had barely met.

After that I thought: what the hell. And I kissed you back.


We held hands after that, watching the fireworks together. Do you remember Jin? After the show, we stayed up until 3am, cuddled in front of the fireplace of the hotel’s lobby. It was so calm and peaceful.

That New Years was one of the best. This year I hope we can see everyone…you have gifts for the kids, don’t you?

I’m blabbering, I’m sorry. I should let you rest.


Kazuya got up and rearranged Jin’s blankets. He placed a kiss on the man’s sleeping form and left the room. Other than the beeping of the machines, there wasn’t a sound on the floor.

“Going home Mr. Kamenashi?” A woman asked from behind a counter.

Kazuya looked back at Jin’s dark room and nodded. “Yeah. It’s getting pretty late.” He looked at his watch: 4am. “Visiting hours have been over for a while.” He scratched his eyes; he had been there for many hours now. “I need my rest…he needs me to be strong.” He smiled at the nurse and zipped his coat.

“You’re doing great.” She said. “He knows that too. You’ve been here every day since the accident.”

The accident.

A month ago, while Jin was coming home from work one night, after a late meeting with the school’s staff, a car that was out of control hit his car head-on. Since then, he had been in a coma. It was Kazuya’s first Christmas without Jin. He wasn’t alone alone but a piece of his heart felt like it was missing.

“Have a good night.” He said to the nurse before leaving, his feet as heavy as ever.

Except for the patients and staff, Kazuya was alone in the hospital. He walked slowly to his car and didn’t rush the ride home.

Once inside, he gently woke the babysitter and paid her the amount due. He then went upstairs and kissed the twins goodnight. Emi, their girl and Toshi, their boy were sleeping soundly.

Kazuya didn’t even change out of his clothes before landing on his bed. He had been sleeping on Jin’s side, clinging onto his sent.

Dawn came quickly; it was already time to start a new day.

Because it was Saturday, and the kids didn’t have to go to kindergarten, Kazuya brought them to see their father at the hospital.

“Papa, is daddy going to get better soon?” Toshi asked Kazuya as they were approaching the hospital.

“I don’t know baby. We have to hope for the best.” Kazuya smiled sweetly at his kids. They were nearing 6 already. After their studies, Kazuya and Jin traveled a bit. Then, they decided to settle down. One night, after eating with Jin’s brother and his family, Jin made a joke about wanting to adopt his little niece. That whole night, he played with her and carried her around in his arms.

Little did Kazuya and Jin know that they would end up having a serious conversation about adopting. A year or so later, after going through the massive pile of paperwork that came with adopting, they brought two babies into their family. Boy did time fly.

The kids talked to their father for a while, not grasping the concept of coma completely, before heading out to the hospitals daycare to play while Kazuya took over. During the time he was there, Tatsuya came with his family. The kids, barely a year older than the twins, went to play with their cousins as Tatsuya and Kazumi talked with Kazuya.

An hour had barely passed before Junno appeared at Jin’s door.

“What are you doing here?!” Kazuya laughed as he got up to great him. “I though you had a meeting in Okinawa during the holidays!”

After hugging and kissing everyone, including Jin, Junno sat down and smiled brightly at them. “My friends need me, especially now. I moved the meeting. It’ll wait. It’s New Years Eve. I wanted to be with my friends and family. I came home last night. My wife wasn’t expecting me at all!”

It wasn’t much of a surprise when Maru and Koki showed up. Somehow, they were all expecting them to appear at some time of the day. Kazumi left with Maru’s wife, Chizuko to get them all something to drink, leaving the six men together in Jin’s room.

“Hey buddy-“ Koki patted Jin’s arm like he would normally do when he saw him. “Great news! Maru got me a gig that’s going to last months! I’m going to tour Japan man! Isn’t that awesome?! You’re going to have to come to at least three concerts, right? I’ll let you and Kazuya on stage with me and we could do a duet. You have mad vocal skills, the both of you, that would be great. Maru could beat box! Tat-chan could play the guitar!”

“Hey! What about me?” Junno said, slightly insulted.

Koki shrugged. “Um. I guess you could sing…right?” He looked around and the other four men nodded, resulting in an outburst of laughter.

“The six of us reunited.” Tatsuya said. “It’s been a while.”

They talked for hours, catching up on major life events. Junno was expecting his third child, Maru his first. Koki still hadn’t settled down yet, he was busy enough with his career. He didn’t want to weigh down someone for the sake of his job.

One by one, they left the room. Until in the end, Kazuya was alone with Jin again.

“Do you remember how grand Tatsuya’s wedding was? He was the first of all of us to get married…it was such an incredible event! Not to mention the huge fight we all had, fighting for who would be best man…I’m still kind of mad it wasn’t me. Though I guess his own brother is fine too. I miss you Jin. Get well soon ok?” Kazuya leaned down and placed a kiss on Jin’s forehead, like he had been doing for the past month or so.

“You know…” A small whisper floated in the air as Kazuya’s lips left Jin’s skin, a whisper that made a sudden tear escape his eye. “I actually do remember all of that.” A hand made its way to the curve of Kazuya’s lower back. “I remember how I felt the first time I saw you…I remember our first kiss…I remember everything. Kazuya couldn’t hold back his tears anymore; he sunk to his knees and placed his head on Jin’s chest. “Happy New Year my love, thank you for looking after me.”

A//N I hope you all had a great Xmas and new year :DD Let's make this a good one...ok?
This wasnt my normal style, and it's 1st person. Which is VERY odd for me.

I really loved writing this...and I hope you enjoyed reading this first part <3

Part 2 follows here, now from Jin's POV. Please comment :D They're always ALWAY loved <3
Do you remember? Part 2

fic: do you remember

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