Perhaps one of the saddest days of my life....

Nov 03, 2004 13:30

Yes, I know, it has been over four months since I have written in my journal. The truth is, I had little to write over the summer, and since I have been here in Seattle I have had little time to respond to emails, let alone write in my journal. I have to admit, moving here was one of the best choices I have ever made, largely because I know I can find people who are as sad as I am today.

What has happened to this country? The man who ROBBED the last election, lied to the WORLD, and never admitted a mistake has suddenly gained the trust of the majority of the country? The country, which was founded on FREEDOM of religion is now considered a "faith-based" country? The gays in this country are denied the right to marry in all states that had the choice and therefore have the rights they deserve in this government taken away? Men are making decisions for what women can do with their bodies? Unborn fetuses have more of a value than human life? What is going on?!?!?

This is all partially our fault. Yes, OUR fault. The SAME amount of people age 18-29 voted in this election as the last. The first people to protest when things are going wrong are the youth. If you did not vote, you have no right to complain. If the draft is reinstituted, you had your chance to avoid it. You have a vote, if you want your voice heard, you need to use it. If not, your right to complain is revoked. In Florida, my home state, we voted for Bush after we KNEW he robbed us of our true vote and our voice in the last election. How were we fooled twice? Why did nobody take action? What happened to all those protesters in the Capitol building in Tallahassee I saw four years ago when Gore was robbed of his right to be president?

Here we stand, and articulate Yale graduate whose dad did not pay his way into college, and a man who cannot complete a full sentence. We have a man who fought in a war and was not afraid to return and say it was wrong, and a man who dodged the war because he could. We have a man who accepts defeat graciously and a man who smiles as if he has no idea what is going on.

Now our government stands with majority of Republicans in the House, the Congress, the Senate, and the Presidency. The Democratic minority leader in the Senate is now out of a job. I heard a man on CNN today something along the lines of, "Well, the people have spoken and they wanted the overwhelming Republican representation, so they do not need to change their strategy to try to unite this country. This is obviously what the people want." As Randi Rhodes from Air America Radio just said, "How do we have a Democracy without checks and balances?" This sounds more like a Dictatorship than a Democracy. Bush even said it, "It would be easier if it was a Dictatorship." Congratulations, you are one step closer to getting your wish.

We have literally said, "FUCK YOU, we are doing it alone" to the rest of the world. We have also said that our country is too blind to realize when we were being dooped. Anyone who has travelled abroad this past year knows that we already have a bad reputation in the world for being stupid and Bush supporters. Now we have just validated this claim.

The only thing that makes me feel better today is knowing that here in Seattle, there are many people who agree with me. I suppose here is the "other half" of the divided country that is headed for an uncertain future. I suppose many Republicans would accuse me of being "Un-patriotic" or "Anti-American". That could not be further from the truth. I realize how lucky I am to live here and have the opportunities that I have. Their way of getting across to the public is attempting to put words into other people's mouths. Republicans, you fooled most people, but you did not fool me.
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