Dec 19, 2007 00:20
It's just tonight that I've realized how lucky I am to have a life filled with such brilliant babes; brilliant in terms of emotional intelligence and artistic veracity; brilliant in the way we cut each other open and grow past each other in oddly divided parts only to catch up again, sometimes with nothing to say in between. Even when there's nothing to say, we hold on with a tenacity that represents a reverence for our past and an excitement for the present; a reverence for what we have learned from each other as well as from other people. These people may just peer into my life for an instant before they realize the magnitude of my bravado, the sheer challenge of remaining near me when I have an emotional or spiritual problem stirring in my mind. They may be the ones who hold on in silence as creativity breezes by me, untouched and untapped. I would be something less powerful without this careful community that surrounds me like a separate organism; that rises, falls, and changes like a breath.
Here, Champagne-tipsy, home in Pennsylvania, I am thankful for the energy at work within my life. For the patient, incredible, changing people in Idaho, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere who remind me that love, strength, and change, even in the most abstract terms, are not only possible but probable. I am thankful for the growing strength inside me; the wild power to feed off of new energy and to learn to face life alone.