[TRANS] 関ジャニ∞ - 47 tour love confessions Part 1

Jul 05, 2008 15:42

Welcome to the first part of my translation of all of the Eito Rangers' love confessions from their 47 tour! *throws confetti around* \:D/ I'm not sure how many parts there will be seeing as there are about 100 confessions in all, but I'm guessing about 3? :D? If you're unaware of where these confessions are from, in last year's Eito Ranger sketch there was a segment where Yoko would randomly choose a few members to give a love confession during every show. These were all collected in the bonus book that came together with the 47 photobook.

Please DO NOT repost these translations anywhere else without my permission. If possible, link back to this post instead. I normally don't say this but this project is going to take up a LOT of my time and effort, so I'd really appreciate the credit. (: Thank you for your understanding! ♥

The Kansai-ben and random incomplete thoughts and one-sided conversations were out in full force for these so there was a fair amount of filling in the blanks and guesswork I had to do. Please feel free to give alternative interpretations or correct any mistakes you may find. :D; Ryo's are ttly the most romantic is not biased. He was born to charm the ladies. 8D And Hina...is really, really corny. XDD;

All translation notes are marked (like this). Additions for clarity (like this). Actions the guys do *like this*. Enjoy! :D

Kanagawa, 5/6
Yasu: Today was fun, huh? Shall we sit on the bench? You know somehow, it's always been this kind of feeling. Us being very close...so, there's something I want to say to you. My right hand is lonely, so hold it forever.

Maru: I'm sorry for suddenly calling you out here like this. There was something I had to talk to you about no matter what... For the past 3 years...I have been in love with you! Please be kind to me!

Ryo: I'll just make a telephone call. *makes sound of telephone ringing* She's not picking up. *makes sound of telephone ringing* Ah, hello? It's Nishikido. Long time no talk. How are you? You haven't called me recently. Did you get a boyfriend? Ah, you did. It's going well with your boyfriend...Where are you now? Ah, you're at your boyfriend's place. Is this okay? For me to call. If I were your boyfriend I wouldn't like it. Eh, why are you switching to your boyfriend (on the phone)? Hello. This is Nishikido Ryo. No, there's nothing going on. We were just talking. What the hell! Ah, hello. He suddenly started threatening me. That kind of guy is your boyfriend? I've had it, I'm going to tell you honestly. If you break up with your boyfriend, give me a call. Then become a girlfriend again, but mine!

Ohkura: Welcome! Isn't my bedroom dirty? I have a present for you today. Jajaja~n. *sings a portion of 15 Nights enthusiastically* Will you steal a bike together with me?
Other Rangers: You can't do that! That's a crime! *continue to tsukkomi*

Subaru: Eh? How many times has it been? That we've gone out together? This is the second time? Do you have a boyfriend? You have one, right. You said so, right. It's no big deal to me. I'm just wondering if it's okay for us to be out at this time. Whether it's fine, I don't have a girlfriend, but it's that, that..I mean hey, I'm a Johnny you know? Nono, I know. I know that makes you excited. But you have to treasure your boyfriend. "Is that fine?" My house is totally fine...well, let's go!

Yoko: Thank you very much for today. See you. Eh, you don't want to go back? Go back for today. Your mom will be worrying about you. See you. .....I don't want to go back either! I want you to be with me forever too. I'll just say this to send you off. From now on, I'll love you fore~ver.

Shiga, 5/13
Hina: You don't have to ride it (the train?). I said I'll send you home! Hey. How far did you have to go again? Maiko? Can I go at high speed? I'll send you right to your house. I'll contact you again. See you. Byebye. *makes sound of car horn* I love you~!

Ohkura: Um...um...I want to be the father of your sons!

Mie, 5/19
Ryo: Sorry for suddenly calling you here. That's not it, you, are you going out with Sakai again? You're in love with that kind of failure? That's fine, he's just another normal guy. You like (guys in) the baseball team? But that guy's apparently playing around with lots of girls. Definitely don't tell Sakai I said this! That's not it! I just thought I'd tell you properly now so you don't cry later. We're childhood friends after all. We've known each other since we were toddlers. So, the truth is, I want to hit Sakai but I can't. I'm weak! But because I didn't want you to cry... If you ever feel like you want to cry, come to me. Because I'll beat Sakai up. See you.

Yasu: Today was fun, huh. I enjoyed myself. Right now it's okay if we go home, or if we go somewhere else. Eh? Ah, is that so. You want to come with me...okay, well before I let you come I've got something to say to you. Um...your nose hair is showing. I thought it' d be bad if I didn't let you know. "You must have something to say that's not about nose hair?" I do. I want you to be my bride. Let's get married!

Nara, 5/20
Maru: You're late, how much do you want me to wait for you? Eh? What did you say? I don't want to hear excuses. I'm gonna tell you, okay? I've never waited for a person for two hours. If you ask why I waited this long...why? Because! Because! Because I love you~!

Ohkura: *lies down slowly* Look, I told you, I have a girlfriend. What I'm doing with you is a one night stand. Because~, it can't be helped. Since I have a girlfriend. But...if I break up with her, let's date.

Hina: What is wrong with you? Eating the rice crackers for the deer. (Nara is famous for its deer park) There's got to be something else, right? But look, the deers are cute huh. I'd like to ride on a deer at least once. But before doing that, I'd like to ride on the rail of your life.

Oita, 5/26
Ohkura: To me there's nobody but you. ............Come to me.

Ryo: Hey, this is the library so be quiet. Eh? I'm looking at the dictionary. A Japanese dictionary. I'm looking for something, so I told you to not raise your voice. "What are you looking for?" I'm looking for words that go beyond "I love you".

Hina: Oi, I said come in. It feels good! If you mention hot springs, it has to be Yufuin (town famous for hot springs in Oita), huh! This place is for unisex bathing so I told you, it's fine! I've had it. Hot springs are great, but I want to be submerged in your heart after all.

Yasu: Pinpo~n. Excuse me. This is Yasuda, can I see Noriko-san please. Ah, sorry for suddenly calling on you. I happened to be in the area. I was riding on my bicycle like this, right, when I got attracted to where you are. I'll say it again, please go steady with me!

Subaru: Excuse me. Is Noriko-san here? Sorry for coming here so suddenly. Would you come have a meal with me? I have something to talk to you about. What do you wanna eat? Ah, I see, is that okay? I'm going to eat, okay? Excuse me! I'll have "soupy Noriko"! (The original is のりこつゆだく and I'm not sure if I'm missing a pun on the word here or if Subaru's just being random as usual. =/)

Yoko: Is it okay if I try to do one too? My confession was like this. Noriko! Let's stop at this cafe for a while. Excuse me. Can I have a menu? Thank you very much. Okay, give me a "Noriko I love you!" please!

Nagasaki, 5/27
Hina: Ahh, Nagasaki's a very hilly town, huh. But it's a nice place. It's my first time coming here too. If there's a slope going down, there's also a slope going up...slopes are tiring. But from now on, I think life will be heading nothing but downward. In life you have to head upwards after all. Will you go up the slopes of life with me?

Maru: Wait! If you jump off, everyone in class will be sad! I said wait! It'll be okay. Is there something you're upset about? Eh? ...That's impossible. I told you a student and a teacher can't possibly date each other. I said wait! I couldn't say this because of the rules but...I don't want to lose you!

Ryo: That guy? Hashimoto? What's up? You want me to call him? Why? Ah, is that so. Who cares about Hashimoto! ...Because you won't talk about anything but Hashimoto, I'll shut your mouth with a kiss! I love you!!

Niigata, 6/2
Hina: It's been a while since we've come to Niigata, huh? About three years? This is good, finally coming. The koshihikari (type of rice) your father makes is delicious. It's really delicious. I like it. I got it. I can't take it any more. There's something I've decided in my heart. It's been three years so there's nothing I can't say to you. I'll make koshihikari too, so will you make my taste-enhancing broth? (LOL idek XDDD;;;)

Maru: Thanks. For coming to nurse me. Ehehe. I told you I'm fine. I'm not pushing myself or anything. I told you, I'm more than halfway healed! What did you say? Eh? Nono, I'm happy. That you came. Once again, thank you. It's kind of weird to be saying this at a time like this, but I wanted to tell you ahead of time. You've come to visit me so many times, and peeled fruits for me and fed me, somehow this kind of relationship is like that so-called~, that~ LOVE feeling, I think. Just...go steady with me.

Ryo: Eh? No, that's not it. I had something I wanted to say to you. It's embarrassing, so is it okay if I say it in a different way? I...I LOVE YOU (in English)...no, a more different way! ...Sarang hae yo...Je t'aime...Wo ai ni...go steady with me! You've had enough? I got it. I really love you.

Wakayama, 6/9
Hina: They did it again! Company downsizing, company downsizing! Even if I look for a job I get fired so soon. Ah, this pickled plum, it's sour-! Huh? This mandarin orange is sweet-. Mandarin orange after a pickled plum, huh. This is good. Wakayama has this kind of thing, huh. It's about time I have to say this. My life that's sour like this pickled plum. Will you soothe it with your sweet heart like a mandarin orange?

Hyogo, 6/10
Ohkura: Hello? I'm going to sleep already. Eh? I told you it's embarrassing so no. Hold on a second. I love you.

Hina: Ah I see, you're Kobe? Your birthplace. That's nice, it's the city of Chinese cuisine, and the food is good huh. It has both mountain and the sea together. Ah, look at that, hey. The ship's setting sail. That's right. I want to set sail on the ship of life together with you someday, too.

Fukui, 6/23
Subaru: Erm, I mean that um, there's something I...have to say. F-f-for a long time now...y-y-you! I! ...-l-l-l-l-...love you! I love you! So I mean...with me, please d-d-dat-
Hina: That's enough!

Ryo: Long time no see. My hair? Just felt like it, just felt like it! You said you liked blonde hair. I'e been getting a lot of complaints from fans, but I dyed my hair blonde for you. But the fans are important too. I was wondering what I should do...would you please grow to like me with black hair? ...I mean, just kiss me already!

Yoko: Hello, nice to meet you! My ex-girlfriend used to call me Kimi-tan! So, if you call me Kimi-tan that's totally okay! Going straight to the point right, from way way before this right. I think you might be aware of this...but I'm in love with you!

Maru: Ah, did I keep you waiting? There's one thing I want to tell you. There is, one thing, I want to tell you! Weelll, it's something I've been thinking of for the past three months, but since the time I met you, your smiles and your tear-stained face, and what's inside your heart, your ankles and your wrists and your fingertips and your fingernails, your eyes and your nose and your mouth and your hair...I have loved everything about you!


That's all for this installment! :D Um, more comments make me translate the rest sooner (no, this isn't a comment-fishing exercise, but rather I'm a lazy pig who needs an insane amount of guilt/a World War to get me started 8DDD;)! I hope you riked :D

translations, 関ジャニ∞

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