Ganked from
nana007 and
crystalplumage "If there are one or more people on your friends list who make your world a better place just because they exist, and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal."
I suspect if everyone were to go ahead and do this, our friends' pages would be loaded with identical entries. It took me years before I finally started using the internet at all (my computer was for gaming and programming purposes only) and then several more years before I began using it for any kind of social contacts... now I'm sorry it took me so long. You'll come across lots of assholes online, but the cool people you meet will balance it out.
Which brings me to the topic percolating on my mind today. I keep getting people who will point out this or that person and tell me how f*cked up they are, and ask me why I would be friends with someone like that. "She has issues." Or then there's the ones who like to point out to other people that I have issues. The latter are always individuals with whom I have had little to no contact with, they know nothing about me, and yet they feel qualified to not only assess my alleged issues, but feel it appropriate to go around discussing said issues with third parties.
I would like to address the subject of my friends and their supposed issues. YES, they have issues. Every one of them. So do I. So do YOU. So do we all. There's not a one of you reading this, nor anyone else on earth, who is neurosis-free. You are ALL f*cked up, every one of you, and none of you is in any position to point fingers anywhere else.
Ok, if someone is a child rapist/murderer then I can understand someone judging him harshly, that goes to an extreme that any normal human being would have trouble accepting - and anyone who does, has issues of another kind. But overall, the vast majority of people are just people. They have their good points and their bad points. They all have their weaknesses. They all have something good about them. And not a single one of them can like or be liked by everyone. The person you think is the greatest human being on the planet, SOMEone will find unbearably irritating. That's just the way it is, it takes all kinds to make a world, and we are all put here on this planet to learn from each other.
A huge part of what we are here to learn is how to interact with all these different types of people, with all of our "issues." You don't all have to like each other, of course. But don't delude yourself into believing you and those elite few who meet your stringent approval are so much better than everyone else. You're not. You simply share the same issues, and therefore the bunch of you are ok with it. What is a positive quality to some people is a negative to others.
Yes it's funny, people who share certain traits in common will see each other as just perfect. You don't see the other person's flaws because you have the same flaws yourself, and therefore it's not even noticed. Or if it is noticed at all, it's just an insignificant thing. "Oh sure, I have this minor little imperfection, but this other person has THAT monstrous sin..." The other fellow's faults are always so much greater than our own.
You can stop telling me that my friends have issues, I'm already aware of them. I realise it, accept it, and try to focus more on what's right with them than what's wrong. Some people may not be the type I choose to have as close friends - because like everyone else, I am more intolerant of certain flaws than others - but I do attempt to get along with all kinds. That's part of life's lesson which I am really trying to learn well. It might be the hardest lesson there is - who doesn't feel instantly repulsed or angry or disgusted by the character flaws they dislike most? - but I reaally, REALLY try. And often, I fail. But I'm getting better, I think.
Everyone has their issues. But one of the worst is where someone goes around pointing the accusatory finger at others, especially people they know nothing about, gossiping and condemning them for their supposed issues. STFU, all of you.