No-Spend Acceptable Spending List

Jan 01, 2019 15:10

  • Rent
    Pretty self explanatory and it has already been taken out of my checking account.
  • Utilities
    Same as above
  • Groceries
    Groceries will consist of multi-use items that I can buy at a grocery store. Personal toiletries and household cleaning products would count. A quick bottle of soda and a candy bar or the lunch buffet would not.
  • Gas
    I still need to attend work it is, unfortunately, far enough away that I will have to drive.
  • Compost Bin Materials
    Ideally I would have pre-bought these materials, but I didn’t. Since they relate to another one of my monthly goals I will let them slide.
  • Cat Food and Litter
    I should have enough, but if I don’t, there is no reason that Charlie should have to suffer.
  • Medication
    I know I have to pick up my medication this month and there is no need to bring back depression or go through withdrawal because of being stubborn.
  • One Work Lunch a Week
    This is our main way of work group bonding. I would like to cut down, but I do not want to cut all ties.
  • Work Coffee if invited
    Same as above, except I’ve only actually been invited three times in the last six months; however, each of those times was with the only other woman on our team and I would like to encourage that friendship.
  • Deposits for Non-January Events
    I am specifically thinking of our choir trip to Germany in June and a hotel for the Doctor Who convention in February.
  • Emergencies
    If Charlie gets sick, I get sick, my car dies, etc. I will, of course, do what is necessary to take care of the problem.
  • no-spend challenge, 19in2019

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