January Plans

Dec 31, 2018 20:56

Tomorrow is officially the start of my 19 for 2019 goal list, so I figure it is time to layout my ideas for the first month. First off, we have the four things that will need to be on each month’s list:

  1. Send one piece of snail mail
  2. Meditate at least 3x a week
  3. Practice Music 3x a week
  4. Share one positive thing each day on instagram

The snail mail shouldn’t prove to be too difficult. I have at least on thank you note from Christmas that I need to send - my brother’s MIL was very sweet and sent me a goal-based planner to keep track of this challenge after reading about it on my facebook - and one Christmas card from an old pen friend that I should respond too.

Both the meditating and the music (Voice in case you were wondering) practice I really need to set up a schedule for. I think, to start with, I will schedule both for Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Those tend to be my most open days, but I do have two worries with that schedule. First, I often end up working late on Thursday evenings, which then has a tendency to throw my whole evening off and I have found creating any kind of schedule on Saturday to be sort of difficult. I always have the best of intentions and then I get caught up in my latest book or agree to help with a Pokemon raid and then suddenly half the day is gone. However, I am hoping that the 3x a week nature of the goal will give me plenty of opportunities to catch up if I miss a scheduled day here and there.

As for the instagram pictures, my biggest is worry is remember to actually take the pictures. I may kick myself in the future for committing to everyday, but I also think that the consistent practice of appreciation is an important part of the exercise. It just wouldn’t have the same impact as an X-times-per-week goal.

Which brings us to the four goal concentrations I have chosen for this month.

  1. Monthly Sustainability Focus: Composting
  2. No-Spend Challenge
  3. Running a 5K

I already have a small vermi-composting bin set up for my food scraps and paper trash, but I would like to get better at using it and expand the operation a bit. I’d like to take some time this month to build a larger bin and find out exactly how to keep my worms happy.

I will undertake the no-spend challenge this month because one of the podcasts I listen to, Mama Minimalist , is hosting one. Difficult things are always easier with company…right? Anyway, I am currently working on my buy/no-buy list and hope to share more about that tomorrow.

I’ve already signed up for a 5K on April 27, so I figure that I need to start training right away. I have gone through the whole C25K program before, but fell off the wagon after a task/hour shift at work. That was 5? years ago. This time I want a goal in my sights and I want to take things nice and gentle. I plan to work on weeks 1-3 of the program in January, repeating at least one of those weeks before I move on. I may try to do the repeat week outside since the race will be outside, but I plan to do most of running on the treadmills in the apartment complex fitness room.

Anything I missed? Any plans of your own? Any words of wisdom? Let me know!

singing, c25k, instagram positivity, no-spend challenge, mostly sustainability focus, mail, 19in2019, meditation

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