Aug 02, 2005 22:40
you know...i really just want to completely give up on guys right now...for several reasons
... they are confusing as hell which basically sums up everything. One minute they will be all nice and flirty and stuff...the next minute they say they'll call and then they decide not to...then they feel bad and buy you cookies...but they buy you ones with nuts (which they know you dont like)...then they dont talk to you for a few days...and dont return your calls...and then the cycle starts all over again
today i was talking with one of my co-workers, and she was telling me how her boyfriend hadnt called her in 3 days and she was starting to get mad... so i asked who her bf was, and she told me his name and i know him cuz he also works with me. and then i start thinking..."Bob(not real name) called me yesterday 3 times, and asked me to go hang out wiht him and see a movie or something last night..." finally everything started coming to gether in my head...i knew Bob had a gf but i didnt know that it was a girl i worked with. and here he was calling me a few tiems and asking me to go out when he hasnt called his gf in days...and it made me feel really bad for her. i didnt tell her bc its not a real big deal. but this whole thing ties in with the whole guys being hopeless
i know i might be sounding really cynical but yeah i just need to rant on this for feel free to stop reading
i have also come to realize that a lot of guys just really dont like to commit... they like going out, they like to flirt, they dont mind buying you things, but they dont usually want to take anything to the next level and see you exclusivly.
instead of saying "i dont wanna go hang out this week", they say "well...lets just see what happens..."
they say really sweet/cute things, but half the time i cant tell if they are being sincere or not
so many guys just wanna get a reputation as being a "pimp", and all they wanna do is hook up
sometimes they'll ask for your number before your name...which makes it clear what their intentions are
they usually know what makes you happy, so even if you want to be mad at cant
sometimes they'll pretend you dont exist, but then 5 minutes later they act like youre the center of the universe..which only lasts about 30 seconds...
and the worst part is that i can say that i'm just gonna be done with guys for awhile..but at the same time, i know that by 4:45 tomorrow afternoon i'll be sucked back into the cycle of liking someone when i wish i could avoid it.