"Are you married? Cuz if you marry me you get to have me and whole lotta other things baby.."

Jun 21, 2005 21:44

So today i was working again from 5-9

So im on my way to worki and i pull into the parking lot and get out of my car when i realize "Oh SHIT! I left all off my training papers and book and everything at home!" . It was 4:45, so i had 15 minutes to get home from GLC and back in RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC! yuck! i jumped on I75 both ways but still ended up being 10 minutes late, but no one minded. I clocked in and headed upstairs to meet Sarah(todays traner) and the other girls in my training program. We watched some movies about alcohol, 3rd party liability, what do to with drunk guests etc.

After all that fun we headed down to the kitched and made ourselves some desserts! yummm!!! we had the Chocoholic and the Cookie Crunch...they are SO good, highly recommended =D

So then the other girls headed off to learn about how to make the alcoholic beverages, and i was sent to the host b/c since im not 18 i dont have to learn about the drinks cuz i cant serve them.

So within the first 5 minutes of standing up there these three guys come in. And as a part of my job i am supposed to greet them, so i was like "Hey guys, how are you all doin'?", and one of them was like "Well hey baby..how are you doin?" and he just says in that way, you know what im talkin about. but yeah it was entertaining.

So then about another 5 minutes later this thug (complete with the gold teeth) comes up to me, starts looking me up and down and was like:

"Hello sir, is there anything i can help you with?"
"You married?"
"No sir"
"WEll baby if you marry me you can have all of me and a whole lot more.."
"I'm sorry Sir but i have a boyfriend and im not interested"
"Damn, you sure?"
"Yes, and im only 16, so it wouldnt even be legal"

so then he turned around and left.then one of my co workers came up to me cuz he heard the whole convo and was laughing at me and was like "uh oh, only 10 minutes into the job and already getting hit on...tsk tsk tsk.."

But after that i had nothing to do for a few hours. So i was just sitting there, bored, and Zack came over and introduced himself, he was working the front desk. I talked to him for a while because we were both without any work to do. Then he went back to help some customers and i went with some of the waitresses and played Indy 500, i came in 2nd! w00t w00t, i was so close to 1st!

Then i went back to the front and just chilled at the front desk and talked to Zack for awhile until it was 9 and i went and checked out. Then i came home.
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