Dec 14, 2007 21:32
"Meadowsweet is a rare and expensive herb used in Pagan human sacrifices"? WTF? Are you kidding me? Freaking Filipendula, twits! It's not rare, it's available at any decent garden center. Not even going to touch the "human sacrifice" bullshit. I know it's fiction, but this ep is really obnoxious.
Besides, why the hell would any Pagan with a clue make a Yule wreath out of a plant that flowers in the SPRING?
*rolleyes* Glad I'm watching SPN live, but TiVoing CSI.
(Oh, and now the Ebil Paaaguns are attacking the boys. It's like some Christian anti-Pagan scare movie. Seriously, W. T. F.??)