Let's see if I can make this funky NaNoMeter thingy work.
Let us go a' NaNoing among the live grenades!
Yes let us go a' NaNoing through plot bunnies, pirates, and dales
With a Dana in the left hand, a Mac-chete in the right
o' let us go a' NaNoing out on the town tonight!
Yes, my little tribute to some of the silliness my husband would subject me to riding around as college students and listening to Dr. Demento on the radio. A cookie to anyone who actually caught that reference!
I am, though, horribly behind. I should be well into the five digits by now. Don't know if it's all the pain, or being tired from not sleeping right, or what, but I feel woefully unprepared with any of my stories. I can't really get into the head of any of my MCs, I'm writing 1st person, yet I feel distant (which has got to make the story suck rocks, too). What's worse? I'm cheating even more than I expected. I had the outline of the beginning of my awesome mystery and an outline of the first 3 or 4 bits for my WoW characters. And what came out when I started writing? The Sith story idea from last year! I've been reading "Legacy of the Force: Inferno" and thinking "the Sith SO shouldn't be like that!", so I'm writing SW. I really don't care, it's so hard for me to write anything that even if I end up mushing three things together and really cheating, I'm still going to count it. It's still original words on a new story written in November, right?
I don't really care that I'm behind. I'd like to win, but fully accept that I may not. I'm just really happy to be writing again, it's getting all my creative juices flowing-- juices that were kinda silent due to too much playing of a certain game. I still have goals in the game, but I think now is the time to start balancing it better with RL stuff. Anyway, just the writing and the plotting... it's strangely therapeutic.