Nov 11, 2007 03:04

I'm having a horrendously bad Fibro flare. My shoulder and neck feel like they've been sliced open. So I'm trying extra-hard not to do anything that'll piss it off worse, and spending some time in the recliner with the heat packs on. It's one of those gravity-recliner thingies, and not really conducive to using a laptop on it, so all I can do sitting on it is watch TV/movies.

"300" came via Netflix on Thursday (didn't fix my queue again dammit), so we decided to watch that tonight. I'm pretty "meh" about it, honestly. I like action movies, I even like battle movies. This one just felt like watching the same scene over and over with the world's most macroed and iconed phrases, lots of "West are awesome, East are monsters" thinking that would have been whack to the actual Ancient Greeks, and lots more of what makes Frank Miller annoying.

And then, there was Xerxes. Someone on here told me I have to watch this movie just for him-- hildy, was that you? Whoever it was, you were right. Wow, Goa'uldiest non-Goa'uld EVAH. He even had gold rings and chains leading from them, I was completely expecting him to use the ol' hand device trick on Leonidas there. Flanged voice, sounds very, very much like Apophis when he's whispery, pyramid thing with giant stylized bulls on it (I guess Kronos took over his gig when he finally got his ass beat?), even had a trick of the light that paid homage to an eye flare. Of course I thought he was hot. I mean, he's like Apophis Lite with extra metal.

Now I'm off to find Xerxes icons, because I'm a shameless, shallow fangirl who must pay tribute to the Yummy.

squee!, stargate sg-1

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