WV Challenge #09: First Line

Jun 24, 2014 22:00

Title: A Babysitter's Nightmare
Word Count: 285
Rating: PG-13
Fandom or Original: Original
Summary: Kayla gets a babysitting job--babysitting the infamous Pearl boys.

I couldn't see any other way out of this mess. Toys and other things piled on top of me (GOD, I really hope that whatever that wet thing is it isn't pee or poop!) as I lay buried under the avalanche caused by two small boys.

Who would have thought that a three year old and a seven year old could go berzerk the minute that the door clinked closed behind their mother?

On the other hand, now I understand why Ms. Pearl couldn't get out of the house fast enough, pausing just to let me know that Jett and Bryan needed to be fed (money on the counter- they preferred pizza) and bathed before bed (whenever they choose to go to sleep, that is fine). Her sons were the devil incarnate.

"KAYLA, JETT WON'T STOP TOUCHING ME!" Bryan came running back into the room shrieking at the top of his lungs.

Sighing, I slowly begin to remove myself out of the pile of things. "Jett, leave your brother ALONE please!" I exclaim out loud as I finally free myself. Only to be dropped to the floor by a boy missile landing on my back.

"Horsey! Giddy UP!" He jumps up and down. "GIDDY UP!"

I mentally groan as I slowly move forward on my hands and knees.

Now I know why there were whispers and shifty looks at school when I mentioned that I had gotten a babysitting job here in town, babysitting the Pearl boys.

I couldn't see any other way out of this mess of a babysitting job. All I could hope for was that their mother would be returning home soon, so that I could make my escape for freedom.

This entry was originally posted at http://pinkphoenix1985.dreamwidth.org/961107.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

a babysitter's nightmare

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