WV: Quick Fic: One Last Whisper

Jul 12, 2014 22:44

Title: One Last Whisper
Prompt: whisper
Bonus? no
Word Count: 126
Rating: PG-13
Original/Fandom: Original
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): mentions of dying and death
Summary: After years of suffering, it ends in a whisper of one last breath.

After years of suffering, it ends in a whisper of one last breath. You are at peace finally but I'm in agony that you have left me alone.

One whisper is all that it took, but I know that it took you years of mental anguish to slowly fade away. For years, I've been waiting for this day but I never knew that it would be so painful not to have your body alive and present with me even though your mind has left ages ago.

I am so happy and grateful for you that it has finally ended but utterly sad for me that I will never again kiss your cheek hello. I will never again caress your hand or hear your voice.

This entry was originally posted at http://pinkphoenix1985.dreamwidth.org/962996.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

wv quick fic, fic: one last whisper

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