Update on Nano 2013 (Challenge #B2: Check In #1 Nano Track)

Nov 14, 2013 18:40

Title: Where am I standing Nano-wise
Word Count: 273
Summary: My venting about writing Nano

I thought that this year would be easier but it really isn't. I think that with my work that I didn't have last year, it is tough. I also went into Nano thinking that if I have an idea and I do outlining of the plot and the characters it will be easier and I can deal with the tough stuff.

But no...

Maybe it is the Week two stump but I am struggling to write. I find myself not writing even if I have the time to do so until very late at night and then I just cramp whatever word count comes out. I am ahead of the daily 1667 word count by a day. But with each passing day, the word count just gets a little less then the day before.

I am stuck in the part where my MC realizes that the alien she presumed is sort of okay and friendly really isn't and even though there are some exciting plot points yet to come in my story but I can't break out of the linear notion of if X hasn't happened, then I can't write Y.

And to think that I was really hopeful that I would win Nano this year with a fairly outlined novel that just needed to be polished. How silly of me. I was thinking big and now I feel like I've completely and utterly failed. Not that I will stop trying to get to the 50K by Nov 30 but still...I feel like the wind has gone out of my sails and Nano has become a chore.

This entry was originally posted at http://pinkphoenix1985.dreamwidth.org/954902.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

writing: nanowrimo

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