Feb 26, 2006 13:20
i have the greatest friends in the entire fucking world, they never fail to make me feel better or to cry with me and just sit and listen, thats all i need, and i swear with time, i will be perfectly fine again.
i hate this feeling, its terrible. i just don't understand where this came from, after six months you don't break up with someone to go party, its not that i don't respect his decision or hate him or anything its just i can't get rid of the thought that, his reason isn't the real reason why he did it, it just doesn't make sense or seem like him, but what do i know. yeah so anyways, its been quite a weekend. :sigh:
and i stole this from tim, so i hope he doesn't go all hulk and kill me
Hey, is there anything you have ever wanted to ask me, but were afraid I'd get angry and turn into you-know-what? Well, now's your chance. I really don't care. you can ask anonymously if you want. Really. Ask away. I'm curious. Anything at all.