Nov 23, 2004 13:04
Lots of interesting things have gone on today, most of it is very very stupid. Okay, all of it is.
First off, my color theory teacher has decided that some of the presentations in class will be held on Reading Day. (For those who don't know, reading day is our one day free of exams and classes to 'study' for exams.) Now, this is stupid for multiple reasons: A.) It's Reading Day, our one day to relax and study and whatnot. B.) Some of us have signed up to work that day during the hours that she's planned for the presentations. C.)They scheduled an exam time for a reason, dumbass.
*grunts* people annoy me.
Second interesting confrontation of the day was in English. Our final papers are memoirs, and on the day of the final we are each to read our paper outloud to the class and then discuss them. My professor's original intent was to see if the class wanted to have these papers graded or not. Personally, that's crap. It's a FINAL for crying out loud! It should be graded. But we decided to take an in class vote anyway. Nine people were in favor of the papers being graded while eleven were not. Needless to say, there was a heated debate. One girl went as far to say that we (other students besides herself and her posse) should have put more effort into the class all along, then the final paper wouldn't be such a big deal. Thankfully, there are other people in the class like myself who tactfully jumped all over her for that comment. About five of us told her how we felt. We scared her, it was great. (Behold the power of the opinion!)
So needless to say, I am pretty hyper and I want to verbally kick some ass. However, I am going to have to buckle down and do work before my next class. :P Dammmnit.