(no subject)

Jan 31, 2011 15:50

Dear Fishbowl,

While the radios are gone, I'm happy to learn a little bit more about myself. It's still hard to believe I'm 902 years old instead of 10, like I thought. I wonder what it all means. Apple-chan thinks I'm an angel. Sailor Moon was an angel in my dream. She restored light to the world, sending the darkness and the nightmares away. I fought beside her. I'm not sure what I am, but I do know I want to be strong and protect the world, just like Sailor Moon does!

And this is my home now, so I want to be big and strong and help protect it too! Then if Sailor Moon or the others come, then I can protect the sphere with them too.

[ she doodles in the margins a picture of herself as a super sailor senshi. ]

My real name's Chibiusa. I think it's written like ちびうさ and I'm pretty sure it means little rabbit. I'm not chibi, but there's someone else named Usagi, so I'm probably smaller of the two of us. I wonder if that means my name is Usagi, too.

I don't mind if people keep calling me Sailormoon. I really like the name, even if I borrowed it ♥

For love and justice~
Sailormoon ♥

[ ooc: full version of the doodle here ]

said like a senshi, &sailormoon, for justice and candy, to save the world, super sailormoon, angel plzkthx, for love and justice

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