The weirdest weekend ever...

Jan 20, 2009 13:00

The Unborn, 17 year old couple behind us talking the whole time, John cusses the kid out, girl giving kid BJ in the movies, get our money back.
Go to the Sidebar - cool, and don't feel so weird wearing jeans. Nice and clean. Drinks, then home.
Text from Mike "My car was stolen". So sad, so mad, angry at the world and people who take from people. I'm one of those? I don't know. Fliers, internet, craigslist, guns. Vigilante justice will be ours. How do you find a car? The amp - it just seems too sad to be true.
Sunday will be better -
Fireworks? No, gunshots, right there, right above us. 911 (fun to call!), please come soon, and YES of course it's gang-related. Speeding jeep on our street, is this the person?, I think it is. Turn off the lights, get down low, I love downtown. He parks and runs inside, they're looking out their blinds like we're looking out ours. Police, guns drawn, banging on their door, lies told, no one gets arrested, John! We've GOT to do something... "Hey Officer, can we meet you around the corner where our murdering neighbors can't see us?" Give them the info, we saw the jeep, he's wearing a jersey, thanks for telling us and please call if you see anything else.
Being watched from the dark house, watch Flight of the Conchords, eat cupcakes with Mike and Becca. Life is okay, but the universe seems a little cruel right now.
Wondering if we can get fashionable kevlar to hang on the inside walls of our house, windows and doors cut out. The only wooden house on the block, bullets go through like swiss cheese. If it's time then it's time.
New President today, so many ideas. Did he take the oath with his hand on the Koran?! I could have punched her. Everyone relax, 2 extremes - he's either going to make the world heaven on earth, everyone rich, riding unicorns on rainbows, or he is stealing our minds, socialist values, take your guns, take your food, take your family. I believe nothing. I believe in nothing. Refuse to be driven by fear, refuse to believe what I read. Maybe it's naive, maybe I'll just enjoy my life (when it gets normal again).

***When John writes songs, it's like gold nuggets coming out of his mouth***
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