Aug 25, 2005 19:51
ahh only sixmore days left of summer. im sad to see it go.
todayw as fun . i couldnt sleep so i got up and just got ready. so i called ash and picked her up and we went the mall. both hungry we got some lunch and then i picked up jen and went back to the mall. we never really shopped but it was fun just talking. i dropped ashley back off at her house for her hair appointment and then jenand i went to bobs. not much there really but i got a shirt. we went back to my house n swam for a lil bit. then went to the gym n got a nice work out. now im doing nothing but think im going out in a bit.
nick, i hope it is what you really wanted. i hope your finally happy and i like knowing your watching over us all. <3 there has never been one day in three months i havent thought of you.