uberhood: tri-fruhm sorority: year 1

Oct 17, 2013 12:19

Monica Bratford is thrilled to be in an update. Sarah Love doesn't think so.

This update features the Tri-Fruhm Sorority: Sophomore Monica Bratford and Freshmen Jessie Pilferson, DJ Verse and Sarah Love.

There is no Greek House without parties.

Huge parties when Sim God decided to summon everyone so they can get to know each other and then they swooned over some Romance guy and girl even if they doesn't have the correct sexual orientation. *is sure at least half of the boys that had Ashley Pitts on their thought bubbles doesn't like boys*

That's Sam Thomas giving first kisses to people in her household even before I loaded their household (also see here). She's with all Sim State bin students, Johnny Smith, Tybalt and Tank, by the way.

Tybalt and Ty (I'll refer them as 2Ty) are basically taking turns romancing with her.

Even Roxie Sharpe and Jonah Powers are more consistent than them!

Proof shot that party food are the best food ever.



Really okay, Castor.

I prefer everyone to dance in the bedroom than to kiss people I don't want them to be with.

Studying like Tank is also a wise choice.

Or birdwatching like DJ.

As expected, Monica is the studious one.

But the others also have wants to skill (a bit).

Monica: "I don't want to speech but I have to so I can boost my Charisma skills."
Oh, and have a supportive llama.

He even supports nothingness.

Meanwhile Jessie. I'm not even sure with her motivation to study. But she does have the motivation to woo boys

And to strut her stuff like that.

They passed the first final exam.

I don't know what's so surprising out there, Monica.

I'm sure it's not Gunnar seeing a stinky DJ taking a bath.

Jasmine and Almeric. There is going to be a lot of them because I love them so much together. Especially on parties.

There is no party without study club! Meet LFT dorm girls (minus Klara, I don't know where is she)

The first year ends. Monica became a Junior, the rest became a Sophomore. Sarah and Monica made Dean's List.
GPAs: Monica - 4.0. Sarah - 3.0. DJ and Jessie - 2.5.

pilferson, bratford, la fiesta tech, uberhood, verse, love

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