uberhood: oresha-hoh-var fraternity: year 1

Oct 16, 2013 12:24

Get ready for potentially boring Uni updates!
I need more attention span to keep playing them than normal households, but I had fun most of the time!

The first Uni household to be loaded is the Oresha-Hoh-Var Fraternity of La Fiesta Tech, consisting of Sophomore Guy Wrightley, Freshman Matthew Hart and 2nd semester student Mickey Dosser.

Mickey rolled the want to group research...

But the two other boys were busy blowing bubbles

At least Matthew wants to skill.

Ty Bubbler: I want to join a Greek House. It seems fun.
 But you are from another college and your college already had its own fraternity, so you better go there.

Matthew doesn't really get along with Mickey.

Mickey: *takes pizza*
Matthew: Dude, you can't just touch my pizza. I took it from the campus by myself in the middle of the night.

Mickey invited someone over. Jessie Pilferson from the local sorority.


No, this isn't what it seems to be. Guy is bi, but Frances is straight. It's a cute bromance, tho.

Mickey and Matthew trying to bond with the topic of Jules O'Mackey o_o

Kevin Beare from Urele-Oresha-Cham doesn't want to be hugged by Matthew.
But who doesn't want to hug him, he's so cuddly I bet! :D


It's what it seems to be.

There will be a lot of parties in Uni. Oh, and that was Allegra Gorey and Castor Nova, both from SSU, having their first kiss.

Allegra's housemate, Martin Ruben, approves.

More romance.

Even more romance, and this is not my doing.

Matthew is turned on by black and brown hair, and turned off with red, so I sent him off to scope the room and I found this.

It's not a Uni party if there is no study club.

Guy advancing in romance and kissed Monica Bratford... only one bolt, though.

I had nothing against them, I just want some variation in the pairings

~end of 1st semester~

I hope we won't see anything romantic from them again.

Whatever with these two.

They asked Frances to pledge. He became a member of the fraternity at the end of the round.

Another party, another study club.

Romance Sims: kissing with A, thinking of B.

ACR first kisses spree, involving couples I don't really agree with

Mickey is quite the flirt. That's Heather Huffington from SSU's Tri-Var

Finally someone who doesn't agree with ACR's decisions. Go Ellen Frost!

Study club.
Brittany Upsnott: A fat playboy character like Mickey Dosser is considered hot.

Proper study club.

Some people were just going to the party for free snacks, like Chaz Whippler and Mercutio Monty.

Mickey-Heather and their three lightning bolts. There is going to be a lot of their actions.

The last first kiss of this party (and this update): Jimmy Phoenix and Sam Thomas. Erik Swain watched it like a movie, meanwhile Guy is judging their bodies?

Jessie invited Mickey on a date Downtown.
She doesn't know a blondified Gilbert Jacquet is checking on her.

At least it's a great date.

Their play round is already finished. Yes, I'll be playing them college students on a yearly rotation. It was supposed to be a college year after two normal subhoods, but I just loaded College after I was done with Riverblossom Hills and Bluewater Village (thus blondified Gilbert). Stupid me. Guy kept a perfect GPA of 4.0, so does Matthew, meanwhile Mickey was 3.0.

la fiesta tech, uberhood, hart, wrightley, dosser

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