Jul 04, 2006 21:53
He got what he wanted from me and now he's gone. I suppose maybe now I'll stay away. I see how he really is. I hope I don't fall back into it.
Summer can't make up its mind. It calls and then it doesn't. Fuck it.
You're not fat. If you honestly thought you were, you wouldn't be parading around saying you were. So STOP SAYING IT.
Next outing there will be no cell phones. If there are, they aren't to be used except in dire emergencies... and no, your boyfriend isn't a dire emergency. You'll see him when you're back. He'll still be your boyfriend. Relax.
I absolutely love Poopyface. We share a soul. It's fantastic. Who'd have thought we'd end up like this with the beginning we had. He's my king and I'm his brown-eyed queen. It's great. August 4th is ours forever.