Merry Christmas

Dec 24, 2005 15:18

Its been awhile.

What have I been up to? Getting Alex his visa for America, working,working,working, trying to have some fun in the midst of all this change, getting ready to move back to Colorado, and did I mention working?

But yes, the time has finally come. I am going back to Colorado Springs on January 10th and going back to school January 16th. I'm terrified. Im happy and excited, yet sad and scared.

I've lived here so long now I feel like I don't know where I belong anymore. I've known for a long time its NOT Colorado Springs, but I do love my friends and family there and I want Alex to get to know them before we move somewhere else.

Alex isn't coming January 10th...his visa still isn't ready, but hopefully it won't be long until he follows behind me. I have to leave a bit early so I can fit in this semester at school.

What else? We've been to Germany. It was amazing, I loved it. Ahh, Im out of time at the internet cafe....more later.
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