The Queen of Hollywood: Part Deux

Sep 21, 2008 01:38


I LOVE YOU LIKE WHOA. LET'S GET MARRIED AND BE EACH OTHER'S GUARDIAN ANGELS. One day we will be together foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever.

That was so upsetting to write, you have no idea.

No. F'real. F'real. I just hung out with the likes of William Powell, Myrna Loy and Asta for about 4 hours straight. As in, 2/7ths of The Thin Man box set. And........I really can't remember the last time I sat down and paid attention to Myrna's ease up there on the screen. She's mega wunduhful and made of win and gawgeous and I'ma give her a picspam. Albeit, a cracked out one, but a picspam nonetheless.

M-Loy WTF-ery I found haunting the intarnets behind the cut:

So, that decapitated head on a stick is supposed to resemble ML...........during that one time she tried to be a floating head and [never] sported a mohawk and was all "I'ma wear mah leathuh and two kinds of cokewhore eye shadow and I hate everyone ahhhhhhhh." This is a mastery of paper mache, ya'll. I'll give you a few seconds to take it all in.

Good? Kay, here's some mo-ah:

Oh heavens, that's just unfortunate.................HAAAAAAAAAAAA.

First, a big WTF to the website name. And uhm, thank god she specified what kind of meat to heat with the [chicken] soup. I mean, I might have used pork and then later wouldn't have known what the fuck I did wrong.

I enclose this post with this lovely bit of dialogue:

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Oh 1930s and your drugs.
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