It's taken me absolutely ages to get over my jetlag this time for some reason - I've only just stopped waking up in the night over the last couple of nights. It's NaNoWriMo month, and even though I've been looking forward to it since last November, I haven't really felt motivated this year. I was thinking about this, and realised that I'm still really invested in last year's NaNo as although I reached 50'000 words, the story wasn't finished, which is why I couldn't get into the new characters or storyline. So... I made the momentous (for me, anyway!) decision to continue last year's instead. By the 30th November I aim to have a 100'000 word novel! (The story may not be finished after this endeavour either, but at least it will be much further along the way!)
We went to see the Guildford Flames play the Sheffield Steeldogs on Sunday (they won 4:0). We just wanted to check out British ice hockey, and weren't really expecting it to be any good, but it was great fun! There were at least 1500 people in the crowd, and it was just as family-friendly as Canadian hockey is - they had an announcement before the game reminding everyone against foul language, and saying that anyone spoiling anyone else's enjoyment of the game would be removed from the building! They should try that at football matches.
One of the awesome things about ice hockey is that it doesn't seem to matter whether the shirt you're wearing matches either of the teams you're watching. There were obviously hundreds of supporters there wearing Guildford Flames shirts, but we were wearing our ebay bargain Canucks shirts (I didn't spot any other Canucks fans) and there were loads of other American and Canadian team shirts too!