Nov 27, 2008 23:59
i'm going to cheat a little bit - it's actually 3am on Friday when i'm writing this, but i'm going to squeeze the date into Thursday for no reason other than i might want to update later, and i hate posting more than once in a day. it's a thing.
my manager called me a little after 11pm to tell me they'd had a crisis at work, everyone who was supposed to be working the night shift had called in sick and no one was able to cover it. he was extremely apologetic, offered me an extra day's holiday in exchange for logging on for a few hours and said there was no pressure, but the longer i worked the more he'd love me. it's not exactly strenuous except for the whole not being in bed at night time thing - i've been sitting here in my living room in my pyjamas eating biscuits and watching Sex and the City dvds waiting for the phone to ring, which so far it has done six times in four hours. i'll log off about 4am, get some sleep, log back on for a couple of hours from home this afternoon to sort my emails out and then i'm off to dad's for the weekend to help him take care of the kids whilst my step-mum is away. we're going to see Madagascar 2 at the cinema on Saturday.
so yay an extra day's holiday before the end of the year! i shall take it on a completely random day sometime soon for no reason at all, and i shall do something spontaneous and wonderful with it.