Dec 26, 2004 09:47
Yesterday was christmas it was great..well at first it sucked i only got like 3 hrs of sleep again so i wasnt feeling good..then i got out of shower, we didnt open presents till 3pm lol..then we ate dinner then around 6:30pm todd came over, he opened his presents, i bought him a razor kit thing, and $50 dollars in best buy..and a big thing of kit kat..what i got was pretty cool i think, i got this nail thing where u paint things on them them, mancure set i got like 3 now llol, a thing where u go your nails im not sure, 2 movies my mom bought me white chicks lol cuz i laugh so hard at a one part..what is a badokers? lolololol todd says it and i think its so certificates,to go get clothes and ones for walgreens so i can get hair stuff and make up and whatever passes i cant really think i got a few other things..lillian got a shit load of stuff i cant even tell you so im not gonna lol..well todd comes in gets me right..after here we go to his house..lillians got presents from his parents n brother (that made me want to cry) they got beauiful things..then they got me slippers n pjs so beautiful and so comfortable..and todd wanted to go to the store so hes like go get ready to get ur shoes on and coat, i go to my shoe and stick my foot in and it wont go in so i look and its a box, it made me honestly nervous becuase all the sweet stuff he said im like no way to myself way to soon, its only been 2 months and hes not working, well todd had to get the box out of my shoe cuz i crammed it in there, i got really excited when it was out, i slowly opened it it was the beautiful thing iv ever seen, it was a necklaces with one diamond it is so beautiful gorgeous thing iv ever seen, and honesly it was, i gave his dad n mom hugs..i can honestly say straight fromthe heart i can be with him forever and the way its going i can make him happy cuz i could do so much more and if hes happy now geeze whatwill he be when we live together, but that necklace just made me want to explodeas he was watching me open it i looked at him, i wanted to cry to think o my god y does he love me so much, so i kept it in, so he wouldnt see me cry..i wanted to squueze him so hard but id prolly kill him..then we made love i still cant believe how it still feels klike powerful drugs.. oo geeze he puts light hickies all over my neck lol i feel like there everywhere i dont mind as much but there on the side..we watched faculity..then roger called to seee if he wanted to come over..i called my mom she said she would watch lillian while we out.. i got hme got ready then hes like its to late and lillian was being bad so he didnt want to but i felt like he wanted to but didnt want me to go..and i didnt mind i told him just to go..well about 2 todd left..i didnt want him to leave but i know he wanted mom is mad at him cuz he didnt stay..i feel like i did something wrong but he said i had not..i gave him his letter this is what he said about it..
xMetuZx (2:10:12 AM): just telling you I made it home alright
xMetuZx (2:10:29 AM): and I got a burnt out front light on my car :-( need to get it fixed asap
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:31:09 AM): making sure u made it home
xMetuZx (2:31:22 AM): oh my god
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:31:24 AM): gggeze im sry
xMetuZx (2:31:38 AM): Nicole, I've never read something so beautiful in my life
xMetuZx (2:31:48 AM): it made me cry the entire time I read it
xMetuZx (2:31:58 AM): It's words like that that remind me how lucky I am
xMetuZx (2:32:03 AM): and how I never wanna lose you
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:32:11 AM): aww
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:32:26 AM): i knew u werent going to sleep
xMetuZx (2:32:32 AM): I had to read that
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:32:36 AM): lol
xMetuZx (2:32:38 AM): I wanted to read it the whole ride home
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:32:46 AM): u thought it was bad
xMetuZx (2:32:49 AM): my heart is pounding, I just wanna hold you right now so much
xMetuZx (2:33:06 AM): tears are still coming out, and im not even reading it
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:33:08 AM): awww
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:33:14 AM): u could be here but no lol
xMetuZx (2:33:31 AM): I hope you don't get mad I am letting Sean read it
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:33:37 AM): i dont care
xMetuZx (2:33:49 AM): okay, I felt like the luckiest man in the world
xMetuZx (2:33:55 AM): and I had to show Sean
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:33:57 AM): awww
xMetuZx (2:33:58 AM): why
xMetuZx (2:34:08 AM): no one has ever wrote ANYTHING like that for me before
xMetuZx (2:34:13 AM): no one has ever showed so much love for me
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:34:18 AM): well i feel very lucky and beautiful cuz of this necklace
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:34:25 AM): awww well ur welcome
xMetuZx (2:34:29 AM): Everyone always kinda looked at me as replaceable
xMetuZx (2:34:40 AM): And you, actually look at me like I'm something special
xMetuZx (2:34:45 AM): and it makes me feel so good
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:35:02 AM): im glad
xMetuZx (2:35:06 AM): I have so many mixed emotions, and I can honestly say
xMetuZx (2:35:11 AM): none of them EVER
xMetuZx (2:35:22 AM): were about me not loving you
xMetuZx (2:35:33 AM): or me not wanting to spend the rest of my life with you
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:35:56 AM): well i told u how long i liked you just couldnt find u..and i started that note the day u came over here when u thought i was mad
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:36:15 AM): and everytime i thought of something i write it down
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:36:22 AM): then wrote it in a letter
xMetuZx (2:36:33 AM): It was so beautiful
xMetuZx (2:36:41 AM): I'm going to hold onto it forever
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:36:46 AM): lol
xMetuZx (2:36:55 AM): Better yet
xMetuZx (2:37:00 AM): I'm going to hold onto you forever
xMetuZx (2:37:02 AM): ;-)
xMetuZx (2:37:11 AM): I'm sorry about tonight, I dunno what my problem was
xMetuZx (2:37:24 AM): I think I was just getting stressed
xMetuZx (2:37:25 AM): about Lillian
xMetuZx (2:38:00 AM): so don't think it was you or anything
xMetuZx (2:38:08 AM): and when I say I'd rather be with you
xMetuZx (2:38:13 AM): than at a party getting drunk I mean it
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:38:20 AM): i thought it was lilian
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:38:23 AM): im sry
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:38:40 AM): but told u if u wanted to go to rogers or wallys just go
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:38:46 AM): it wont hurt my feelings
xMetuZx (2:38:52 AM): yeah I didn't want to though
xMetuZx (2:38:55 AM): With you, sure
xMetuZx (2:38:57 AM): Alone, no
PiNkBuBbLeBaTh04 (2:39:14 AM): u need time with ur friends..they were there b4 will be there after me so i say u want to go..u better go
xMetuZx (2:39:19 AM): I just wanted something to do other than sit there
xMetuZx (2:39:24 AM): but if I'm not with you
xMetuZx (2:39:28 AM): then I'm not happy
this is what he wrote me after i went to bed..
xMetuZx (4:41:04 AM): Ever have the feeling when everything is in place?
When it hurts at night, and makes you cry, when you cannot see her face.
When she writes you a note that's so beautiful it makes you cry,
and at that point you realize, you wanna be with her till you die.
And you love the way she makes you feel inside, you want to spend the rest of your
life with her, make her your bride.
I thought I felt love, but i've never felt this, how can something grow stronger
with each and every kiss.
And you're so afraid you'll lose it, and you're so afraid it will fade,
that you tell her that you love her, in every single way.
I've found all this, and so much more, and there's only one thing that I fear in life,
and that's her walking out my door.
Nicole is my universe, Nicole is my life, Nicole is everything to me, and I can't wait
for Nicole to be my wife.
xMetuZx (4:41:36 AM): I had to write something for you. I love you so much, and that's one of the only ways I know how to describe it.
xMetuZx (4:41:45 AM): I am going to go to bed now, I love you so much.
i alwys want to cry but for happyiness..and i love that feeling..
..i saw michael boggus it was good to see him, i ran out and hugged him, he looked the same and i liked that..i just took off all my nail polish so when i get back up im gonna go my nails with my handy dandy nail stomach is being really weird for some reason for the past couple days it has been..well i better go lay down and eat..i feel like im starving..