On Tuesday of last week Denny's was offering a free Grand Slam breakfast. They advertised this during the Superbowl. Gee, I wonder if anyone saw it? I convinced a couple of co-workers to go with. When we got to Denny's there was a two hour wait. In addition to not having enough servers inside, the patio outside was closed. Talk about LAME. So our lunch isn't that long so we decided to bolt. But we (Amy, me - the other two co-workers ate at KFC) had in in our head that we NEEDED pancakes for lunch. So we thought Ihop. It shouldn't be so busy at 11:00 on a Tuesday. Wrong. There was a line out the door, no servers and only one lady working the register, no one seating people. So we left Ihop and ended up at this little house from the 1920s (in Gilbert) that is now a restaurant. Their pancakes were not only cheap ($4.50 for two giant ones) but they were so delicious. They were really what we needed. I tell you. Normally I'm not a huge fan of Denny's (but don't look a gift horse they say) but if you're going to give something away at least have enough staff on hand to meet the demand of the people. And Gilbert Ihop, dammit, you need to get on the ball. The Mesa Ihop always has one person seating and one person (sometimes two people) running the register. Stupid breakfast joints. The only one I'm recommending is the 1920s house because damn our pancakes came out fast and delicious!