Jul 25, 2006 03:54

Just thought everyone would like to know that for once in my life I actually finished a video game. ;)
Well, other than Pokemon Silver.
Now I just have to beat Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories and I'll be set.
Hah, right. Like that's gonna happen. 'course, you never know: I never thought I'd own KH II, let alone beat it.
Oh, and I totally called that DiZ/Ansem the Wise was voiced by Christopher Lee. xD
Anyway, I'm sure you all want the lowdown, am I right? Well, I'm certainly not good enough to write any sort of walkthrough, but I have a vague sense of what I'm doing -
shoulder!Riku: Vague is right! She nearly didn't rescue Sora in time!
me: Oh you shush.
shoulder!Sora: He's right, y'know. That dark cage thingy really hurt!
me: Riku got hurt worse in a cutscene than I let him get in the game.
shoulder!Sora: That's 'cause you like him best! *pout*
me: Well actually, I like two of the OXIII members best. *sweatdrop*
me: Yep! Demyx and Axel are my babies. ^^;; 'Course, you two are my babies too.
shoulder!Sora: Oh, well I guess Axel wasn't that much of a bad guy...and the other guy was the one with the water, right? He wasn't so bad either.
(shoulder!Sora and shoulder!Riku are chibis that pester me when I start playing a KH game. 'Course, I do my fair share of pestering to them, so it all works out)
me: *stares at Sora* By the way, what is it with you getting an attachment to every single person you meet? You nearly cried when Axel-kins - ahem, I mean Axel - died. Even though he'd just finished saying that he'd kidnapped Kairi!
shoulder!Sora: He was still a good guy!
me: I'm not even having this argument.
shoulder!Riku: *pokes TV* You only got the journal 83% completed? That's kind of sad.
me: Shut up. Both of you. I finished the game, I'll talk to you later.
them: *laugh at my piss-poor stats and ignore me*
me: *glares at them*
Anyway, as I was saying, I only know my way around the game - I don't know every single thing. But what I do know is that it's flipping sweet and it made me cry in about three or four places! Totally recommend it, but only if you've seen the end of the first one (which I have...twice, now). I love the game, and now that I know I can beat it I probably will proceed to do so multiple times...and create save files for my favorite boss fights, of course. xD (like Demyx, and Axel v. Roxas)
Oh, and I now feel somewhat comfortable writing KH fanfiction. Somewhat. I'll still ask for a bit of help, but for the most part I got it. Like I'll have FF7 down as soon as I get it (Hint hint, 'tou-chan!). But I'm still gonna try to beat the first KH (could care less about Chain 'o Memories). Like that's gonna happen.
So look out, pit 'o voles, cause Rena-chan's got even more bishies to knock up now! xD
Anyway...dude, like I'm going to sleep tonight. Keh, it's just not gonna happen. I'd think about going after Sephiroth, but then I just get the thought that I'll end up like Jihira if I do...minus the inconvenient discorporation, of course.
I beat the game, I am so psyched. I just sat there and giggled like a crazy person for a couple of minutes, then woke my grandma up and was like "I BEAT THE GAME!!" <3 But it was like a thousand times easier than I thought it was going to be. Particularly the part with thousands of lasers in which the strategy guide I was reading told me to put down the controller and just mercilessly pound the /\ and X buttons until the lasers stopped. Good advice, actually.
Anyway, now all I have to do is figure out how to get a save file that's actually after I beat the game, and finish the journal that those two keep teasing me about. >> Wish me luck.
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