Longpost is Looooooooooong.

Jun 08, 2008 00:32

So I totally didn't join Facebook for the sole purpose of making babies.

And I didn't proceed to make Wammy's boys, no matter how cute they are.

And they definitely don't look like this:

On another note, I had quite a bit of an adventure today (yesterday?)

So, after a day of procrastinating on studying, I finally had to get up at the asscrack of dawn (4:45 AM) to drive up to the capital city to take the SAT. Fun, huh.
After a series of severe thunderstorms that continued on through the morning, I hadn't gotten much sleep anyway. I woke up, got dressed so far as my undies, and then sat down in front of my computer to take care of my babies. (^^^) At about 5:30, I sighed, got up, and finished getting dressed. Then I talked to my mum, and had to wait for Dad because he was 10 minutes late.

He shows up, we get out on the road. I'm thinking Oh, okay, being out on the road will help me not be terrified of the storm because I can see in nearly 360 degrees! Wrong-o. The lightning looked pretty bitchin', yes, but you could barely see through the driving rain. Dad was driving like
Most of the way. I cowered under my ducky umbrella whenever I could. It was scary. D:

So I finally get there, and the rain's died down to a hard shower. We go in the wrong building and then have to walk around to the right one. Ick. Particularly because I was a tard and wore flipflops.
Finally in the testing room, cue 4 and a half hours of the most boring standardized tests evar. The hardest part was when I had to write (could not print) a little pledge stating that I won't divulge any supar dark seekrits of the SAT and the Holy Acorn of Testing. (the HAT, or the CollegeBoard.)
The entire time, it's storming like armageddon outside, booming and roaring and flashing and I'm like "SHIT SHIT WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE IT'S FREEZING IN HERE I WANT TO GO HOME I WANT MY MOMMY THIS TEST IS DUMB." In my head. I also got Coldplay's Viva la Vida, and Avenue Q's What Do You Do With a BA In English stuck in my head. The latter was just a touch ironic (particularly since I was working on a math section at the time).

So after the test, me and Dad go have Mongolian Barbeque. Mongolicious. Other than some brief excitement over a server that looked JUST like a femme version of one of the atoms from
chemistry_smex, (Gen, btw. She was Gen with boobs. Red side-tail with otherwise brown hair, profusion of eyeliner, dark eyes and all. I was knocked on my ass. It was...Wow.) lunch is epic awesome. Food = delicious, and I almost couldn't finish it. It was tasty.
Then we head over to the bead store next door because I have a raging hardon for beading and I manage to get Dad to buy me a seahorse fetish (*snrk*) and some rainbow-colored sparkly beads. I will proceed to make a hemp necklace with them, and then never ever never take it off. I made one, but it was too tight. Luckily, hemp is cheap and I have bitchin' scissors.

Then we start heading back home. We get on the interstate, get halfway out in the middle of bum-fuck, nowhere...
and get turned around by the Po-po. 'Member those storms? The ones that turned the sky black like my soul? They busted a dam and flooded the road. Yes. And this was the road we had driven on coming up to take the stupid SAT a few hours before! (It's about 3, by this time.)

Suddenly, Dad gets very popular on his cellphone meaning I can't listen to the effing radio and we learn from relatives back home that the other three interstates to get back down south? ALL CLOSED.
My reaction was something akin to: ";lkafjhfsdjlge;hrkagjl;afgjadfsjkl;fjk," (Yes, exact quote) but I was immediately placated with a trip to Half-Price Books. :B

On the way to the Eden of bookstores Half-Price Books, we go through this little county line road. The road itself is dry. The driveways branching off of it go downhill to homes below the road-level. Water is up to the windows. It's not supposed to do that in the Midwest. And what does having your windows open help when your house is underwater?

I didn't actually buy any books (shocker!), but I did get 3 Yu Yu Hakusho DVDs. (they had like the entire freaking series, and Dad is so lucky that I was just jonesing to see most of the Makai tourney again after borrowing them from
lovely_fee about a year ago. Look, Riku, I remembered your El-Jay name! :B) I got Dreams of Power and King Urameshi. I would have gotten Bandits and Kings too, but...the urge to make myself cry with Settle the Score won out. That, and I need some good screencaps of Genkai. So, new loot in tow, we set out with another round of phone calls to see if there were any roads open. Nope. I joke that if we end up stranded and need a hotel room, we should get one with a DVD player. By now, it's about 5:30. Yes, we killed 2.5 hours in a bookstore. Bibliophiles Anonymous? Why yes, that shortens to BA. Dad gets the idea: Let's go see a movie!

"Yay, movie! Ooh! The cheap theater still has Horton Hears a Who! Let's go see that!"
"Aw man, 4:25 and 7:20. Sadface."
"Yeah, we're not staying here til 7:20 if we can help it."
"What do we do now?"
"I dunno. Got any ideas?"
"OKAY." (Because my dad is cool and will willingly, as a 45 y/o man with no decently-aged child in sight, go into Toys R' Us with his 17 y/o)

So we go to Toys R' Us, and get into a swordfight because there are displays of foam pirate swords and we cannot help ourselves. I won. We do an entire lap around the store, and I have to run interference to keep Dad from setting up a bunch of robots in the middle of the floor to fight each other. Though there was also a robotic dragon that roared and moved its head and my inner nerd totally came.

Then, a couple phone calls later, we find that a route has actually opened up! Yaaay! Our horrific incident of terror is over! So we set out at 6:43 (I took special note of the time because Dad told me to, in his eternal sarcasm). We're home by 8. We. Are. Stunned.

See, we'd expected to get turned around at some point. Water up to your keyblade, and all that. Dance water, dance! But nooo. The southbound road was clear. The northbound road was fucked, but the southbound road was clear and that was all we cared about! 8D
The cornfields looked like rice paddies. I pointed this out a number of times.
We get out of Corns-fuck, nowhere, and get onto the little backwater interstate that will return us to our little town. Dad confides he doesn't think we'll be able to get through.

The highway is positively bone-dry. The sides of the road, much like that little county road, are on a lower plain and for the most part...are not. We were thinking about stopping at a Taco Bell on the way, but were deterred by the small lake which had gathered in front of the entrance. Didn't stop some dumbfuck in a mudder from careening through and sending up a spray on either side taller than his truck. We didn't stick around to watch the rednecks pop some deer pellets in his ass.

At one point, we thought for sure we were screwed, because there were people stopped all along the road and there was literally just a strip of pavement through a veritable lake. Not a mini-lake. A lake. Not yo' momma's lake, either. But the pavement stayed dry. The stopped people? Were taking pictures. There was a school bus and a boat, among various other houses and vehicles, stranded in the water. I wondered whose boat it was and why they weren't in it. Hellooo. It's a boat. It's like the people kayaking downtown in Wednesday's flash flood. Urban kayaking, anyone? It's made for that sort of thing.

Oh, oh. And the best part is. There was this little road that came off of the highway, and like 10 feet in it disappeared. Bwoosh, you're on the highway to Atlantis. And the Po-po had bothered to put up a ROAD CLOSED sign. Like people wouldn't be able to tell there wasn't a fucking road there. It was lol-tastic.

Me and Dad drive on a ways, and pass a golf course. Or...another lake with little mounds of closely-mowed green sticking up here and there.

Dad: Oh, hey, let's go golfing!
Me: Oops, lost in the water hazard!
Dad: That's the biggest water hazard I've ever seen!

And then we saw the one visual that he told me I had to include. A yellow golf flag, used to mark the hole...sticking out of the water. No grass, no hole. Just water. We about died laughing.

There wasn't anything particularly special about the rest of the drive home, but it sure was interesting seeing actual flooding for the first time. Stuff like that doesn't happen in the midwest. It happens in Florida, and the Carolinas. It was really sobering.

And man, was it nice to get home! In 48 minutes, I will have been awake for 24 hours straight. I can do it. :B
Wish me luck!

-PV, 3:58 AM

bad shit's goin down, facebook, babies, testing, driving, flooding, adventures, weather

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