Jun 15, 2006 21:15
Well everything is up. I should have lettuce by Sunday or Monday. I could use it now. I should be able to use beet leaves when I return from vacation later this summer. The carrots are up. The radishes are coming along nicely as are the squash and cucumber. Fred, the tomato plant is doing just jolly with a couple of green tomatos out. War continues with the squirrel who thinks my backyard is his sandbox or X marks the spot for peanuts. Exasperating creature! I will buy a couple more planters and more soil this weekend to plant the more seeds (lettuce and beets) as well as bring my pink and white pansies from the desert in the front to containers in the back. My herbs are happy campers. The lemon grass out front is rather bland but the rosemary in the back is doing excellent. I look forward to maybe having it survive the winter when I bring it in this year. I think I will create a shelf in the kitchen for it where it will get the best sunlight we have in the winter.