Nov 09, 2004 17:25
You know what. Im finished with the whole "Love" thing for the mean time. I fell too deep the first time and got hurt. I knew that we had something more and that we were not supposed to be appart. So I was reluctant to give up on what we had. He must have felt the same as I did, because he called to ask me back out. So deep in love with him and so nieave, I couldnt do anything but tell him yes! I thought we could go on being us, like we were a mounth ago before he broke up with me in teh first place. My grandfather, before he dides 2 and a half years ago, use to joke around with my brother and I all the time. He would say "Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!" So you know what...Shame on me! Shame one me fro thinking things could be diffrent. Yes! Shame on me! Not even five days after we started going back out, he broke up with me again lastngiht.... Isnt that great! So you know what...I don't know anymore. And really, I don't care. Im finished!