
Jun 12, 2010 15:49

Here's story number two...These are not being posted in the order that I originally posted them on glambert_fic.  I am posting them in the order that they are saved on my computer.

Anyway, this is an Adam Lambert and Tommy Ratliff story.  It's rated R or NC 17 for a sex scene.  It's about the song Fever and what it means to the boys.

Title:  Fever
Author:   pink_glitter_26 aka Faith Monroe
Pairing:  Adam/Tommy
Rating:  R or maybe NC 17

Fever was Adam Lambert’s favorite song to perform live.  Not only because it was written by the amazing Lady GaGa, but because it allowed him the opportunity to play around with Tommy onstage.  Somehow, it had become their song.  The hair pulls, the touches, the winks, and the body grinding drove the crowds wild.  Every time they performed the song, Adam got more and more adventurous with Tommy.  Luckily, Tommy wasn’t complaining.

Adam had liked Tommy from the moment that he walked into the band auditions.  He was just his type.  Unfortunately, he was also straight.  Adam was a little disappointed, but it didn’t stop him from flirting with Tommy every chance he got.  Tommy didn’t seem to mind.  After the AMAs, Adam thought for sure that he had taken it too far for Tommy.  He thought that he would quit the band.  Tommy had surprised him by being okay with the whole thing and all the controversy it had caused.  Instead of quitting the band, Tommy had encouraged Adam’s behavior.  He had told Adam that he could touch him onstage if he wanted.  Adam wanted to, so he did.  Tommy never shied away from anything that Adam did and Adam thought that maybe even Tommy enjoyed it a little.

Adam and the band spent the entire summer of 2010 touring the country and performing to sold out crowds.  It was taking its toll.  Adam was tired and lonely from life on the road.   He never showed it onstage or to his fans.  He always gave them 110%.  They deserved it after all.  It was because of them that he was living his dreams.  However, the people closest to Adam saw the weariness in him.

“You need to take a vacation when this tour is over.”  Tommy stated randomly one day when he found Adam half asleep backstage before the show started.

“I might just do that.”  Adam replied trying to shake himself more awake.

“Adam, you deserve a break.  I know you like to keep busy, but you’ve been going practically non-stop for over a year now.”  Tommy explained as he took a seat beside his friend on the couch.

“We took that vacation before the tour started.”  Adam reminded him.

“Yeah for a few days…Hardly enough time for you to reenergize.  You need a few weeks or more somewhere relaxing.”  Tommy responded as he placed his hand on Adam’s knee.

“What about you?”  Adam inquired as he placed his hand over Tommy’s.

“I’m not gonna lie.  I could use a vacation as well, but not as much as you.  I’m not the big time rock star.  I’m not the one that everyone wants a piece of.”  Tommy said.

“I know at least on person who wants a piece of you.”  Adam told him as he looked over at him with his best bedroom eyes and leaned closer.

“Save it for the stage, babyboy.”  Tommy declared as he stood up and moved away from Adam.

“Oh, I will, glitterbaby.”  Adam replied with a little smirk.

When they performed Fever that night, Adam went further than he ever had.  He was all over Tommy.  He pulled his hair as hard as he could.  He ran his hands all over his body.  He grabbed his ass and grinded up against him.  When the song was over, he seized Tommy and pulled him in for a kiss.  He held him by the shirt and had him as close as he could get with the bass in the way.  Their lips crushed together and the crowd went insane.  Adam didn’t hold back at all.  He kissed Tommy like no one was watching.  He kissed him like he had been dying to since the day he met him.  He slid his tongue into Tommy’s mouth expecting resistance, but found none.  Tommy used one hand to move the bass out of the way and stepped closer to Adam.  His other hand found its way to Adam’s neck.  Before Adam knew it, Tommy’s tongue was dueling with his.  Adam’s head was spinning.  He could hear the crowd screaming.  He knew the kiss had to end, but he didn’t want it to.  Finally, he nipped at Tommy’s lip and then pushed him away.  Tommy staggered back and looked at Adam.  A smile spread across his face.  Adam smiled back before turning back to the crowd.  Luckily, they only had one more song to do that evening.  Adam didn’t think he would have been able to get through many more.  All he could think about was that kiss.  It wasn’t like the kiss at the AMAs.  It felt like a real kiss.

After the show, Adam took a few minutes to calm himself down.  He had a meet and greet with some fans.  He needed to regain his composure before meeting with them.

Adam put his best smile on and was charming self as he met the fans.  They really were amazing people and deserved his attention and gratitude.  He could tell by the way some of them looked at him that they wanted to ask about the kiss with Tommy.

However, no one got up the nerve to say anything.  Adam wasn’t sure what he would have said in return if they asked anything.  As it was, he knew that by the next day, video of the performance would be all over YouTube.  The media would get a hold of it in no time and run with it.  Sooner or later, he was going to have to answer some questions about the performance and Tommy.

They were staying in a hotel that night, which made Adam happy.  Sleeping on the bus was definitely the worst part of touring.  When he got to his room, he places the do not disturb sign on his door, stripped off his clothes, and climbed into the shower.  He was exhausted and wanted to get a few hours sleep before it was time to be the Adam Lambert again.  As he was getting out of the shower, he heard a knock on his door.  He grabbed a towel around his waist and headed for the door.

“Who is it?”  Adam inquired.

“It’s me.”  Tommy answered from the other side of the door.

Adam smiled and opened the door.  Tommy didn’t hide the fact that he looked Adam up and down.

“Can I come in?  I wanna talk.”  Tommy asked as he rocked back and forth on his feet.

“Sure.”  Adam responded as he stepped aside to allow him to enter.

Tommy walked into the room.  Adam sighed a little and shut the door.

“So what…”  Adam began to say before Tommy pushed him against the wall and started kissing him.

For about a split second, Adam hesitated. He must be dreaming he thought, but then he felt Tommy’s tongue in his mouth and his hand on his ass.  He knew it was real and it was better than anything that had happened on stage.

Tommy grinded his body against Adam’s body.  Adam moaned and placed his hands on Tommy’s hips.  Suddenly it occurred to Adam that he was only wearing a towel which was hanging dangerously low on his hips.  At any second, it was going to fall to the floor.  The question was did Adam try to hold the towel up or did he started to remove Tommy’s clothes.  Tommy answered the question for him as he slipped out the jacket he was wearing.  Tommy removed himself from Adam’s lips and started kissing his neck.

“Tommy, what are you….What are you doing?”  Adam questioned as another moaned slipped past his lips.

“I believe that it’s called kissing.”  Tommy responded as he smiled against Adam’s shoulder.

“I mean, I thought you were straight.”  Adam stated as he laced his fingers in Tommy’s hair.

“I never said that.”  Tommy replied as he stopped kissing and looked up at him with a slightly evil smile.  “At least, I never said that I was only straight.  I’ve been with guys before too.”

“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”  Adam asked in astonishment.  He couldn’t believe what Tommy was saying.  He had just spent the better part of a year with a man who he thought he could never have because he was straight and now he was telling him that he wasn’t so straight.

“It’s like in our song…It wasn’t time.”  Tommy replied before leaning in and kissing Adam slowly.  “Besides, it was fun toying with you like that onstage.  It was exciting watching you work so hard to get my attention.”  Tommy kissed him softly again.

“So it’s all a game, then?”  Adam asked slightly hurt.  Adam could play games if he knew all the rules, but he didn’t like to be messed with.

“It wasn’t a game.  It was more like foreplay.”  Tommy explained as he pushed his body against Adam’s again.

“Foreplay...huh?”  Adam questioned skeptically.

“Yeah.”  Tommy replied as he slowly grinded his body with Adam’s.  Tommy softly kissed Adam’s chest.   Adam moaned and clutched at Tommy’s shirt.  “For months now, we’ve been building up the anticipation.  We’ve been turning each other on.”

“I turned you on?”  Adam inquired with a little smile.

“Every time I saw you.”  Tommy answered and then captured his lips in another kiss.  “I wanted you.  I wanted this.”  Tommy cupped Adam’s erection in his hand to emphasize his point.  “I knew that I could have had you anytime that I wanted you, but I wanted to wait until the time was right.  I wanted to wait until I couldn’t stand it anymore.  I wanted to wait until we knew each other better.  I wanted to wait until it could be more than just a quick fuck.  I wanted to wait until it could be more than just one night.”

During his whole speech, Tommy had been gently massaging Adam’s member.  Adam softly moaned and tried to focus on what Tommy was telling him.

“Tommy, what are you saying?”  Adam questioned as he stopped Tommy’s hand from moving.

“I’m saying that I don’t want to just be fucked by you.  I want to be with you.”

“Like in a relationship…As in you’re my boyfriend?”  Adam had to know before this went any further exactly what Tommy meant.

“Yeah.”  Tommy answered before kissing him softly.

“Good.”  Adam sighed in relief.  He looked at Tommy and smirked.  “I think you’re wearing far too many clothes, glitterbaby.”  Adam reached down and pulled Tommy’s shirt over his head.

“You too, babyboy.”  Tommy whispered as he removed the towel from Adam’s waist.

Within seconds, the rest of Tommy’s clothes were removed and they were on the bed.  It was frantic.  They couldn’t get enough of each other.  Hands roamed and grabbed.  Tongues tangled.  Moans slipped out and neither knew who was the one moaning.  After a few minutes, Adam couldn’t take it any longer.  He pushed Tommy off of him and went to find his bag.  He had condoms and lube in it.  When he returned to the bed, Tommy was on his stomach waiting for him.

There first time was hard and fast.  Tommy had been right.  They had had months for foreplay.  They both just needed a release.  Later that night, they took things slower.  Adam realized as he was moving inside of Tommy and he was gently moaning under him, that this was the first time he had ever made love.  Obviously, he had had sex before and it wasn’t always rough or fast, but he’d never really felt like this during.  He had never felt like he was with the one person in the world that understood him.  He never felt like he was with the one person that he was meant to be with.  He looked into Tommy’s eyes and knew that he felt it too.  Adam didn’t know where all of this would end, but he knew that right at that moment he was the happiest that he had ever been in his entire life


adam/tommy, fanfic, adam lambert, fever, tommy ratliff

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