oscilliating like a pendulum bob

Mar 21, 2010 15:36

Just as when I was starting to really embrace life and the simplicity of it, many depressing issues are suddenly lapping onto me again. Not those dramatic sob inducing kind of issues, but just those small niggling things that makes you realise things are less than perfect.

My body aches like crazy today. I've no idea is it the delayed reaction from running 3km two days ago, or whether i'm coming up with fever. I'm guessing its both. I've been feeling pretty terrible since this morning.. and I think sickness is bound to come sooner or later with my horrible sleeping and eating patterns. Ohwell. The good side of being sick is that besides moaning terribly in bed, you get to literally sleep the entire day. And food is always bland and boring, so you'll lose weight together with your appetite. The downside is of course if you have many exciting things planned out. And talking about exciting things, I suddenly have a very exciting idea. I AM GOING TO TAKE A WEEK'S BREAK FROM WORK BEFORE GOING TAIWAN :D Money isn't really bothering me now. I could do with less if it means i'll have more time alone to nua.

I really, really feel like bailing out of work today. Standing six hours wearing a silly uniform, serving ice cream platters (of which i've yet to taste before) is not really what i feel like doing at all, when i have suffering from severe restlessness and all. But maybe what i need most now is just to get this depressing feelings out of my system, which work would do good. Yet i'm hesistant about going. I'm really just not in the mood. I haven't had a nice day at home in a really long while ):

I've about 15min more to just sit here and laze, before I got to get changed and ready for work.
Btw, I really hate the phrase 'FML'. Its overused and it is lame, and many people fml over the dumbest things ever.

I think im probably suffering from PMS. The only good thing about it is that unlike depression, it wears off pretty much more quickly.
Should I skip work?
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