quizzes yay!

Apr 02, 2006 11:20

> How well do you know me? For instance, did you know...
> Four jobs I have had in my life:
> 1. Worked at Harveys!! yay!

> 2. DEE DEE's dinette for a whole month... they were jerks
> 3. worked for the radio station

> 4. dollarama baby!!!!
> Four movies I would watch over and over:
> 1. Schindlers List
> 2. Donnie Darko
> 3. 50 first dates
> 4. memoris of a geisha... omg ...... the sea wumbles!!!
> Four places I have lived:
> 1. Look Off NS
> 2. Fredericton nb
> 3. Kentville NS
> 4. Arirdrie alberta... for 2 weeks haha

> Four TV shows I love to watch:
> 1. Nip/Tuck
> 2. What not to wear
> 3. TPB baby!
> 4. intervention

4 Nicknames that I have had in my life:

1. Benny

2. space

3. gillian jiggs

4. gilly willy
> Four places I have been on vacation:
> 1. Manhatann new york technically
> 2. alberta... 2 times... 1 in aridre and 1 in black diamond
> 3. ottawa
> 4. montreal

> Four websites I visit daily:
> 1. www.hotmail.com.... obviously
> 2. www.livejournal.com.... love reading other peoples thoughts
> 3. www.2flashgames.com
> 4. www.stu.ca....... i have to vist everyday, it isnt a choice
> Four of my favorite foods:
> 1. Cheesecake...
> 2. Nachos......... yay mexis!!
> 3. Perogies.... always make them with a bra on, i dont know why
> 4. tuna melts....... ummmmmmm

> 4 people I would love to meet:

1. either of my grammpies

2. orlando bloom * drool*

3. bubbles!!

4. oh god...... i dont really want to meet anyone... maybe god if their is a god... so he can prove his existence
> Four places I would rather be right now:
> 1. IN a warm place, maybe mexico
> 2. alberta....or bc.....sun
> 3. New York.... cause its super fun fantastic
> 4. sleeping

> Four people I have tagged who I think will respond
> 1. racheal...... that is all
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> You've been tagged! So here it goes...copy and paste this into a
> new email, delete my answers, replace
> with your own, and send it back to me and on to other friends!
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