Nov 12, 2008 15:28
Week 4: The Week the World Changed…just a lil
I started this week excited to have met my friends baby for the first time and anticipating election day.
Still had the usual hate for the MTA….okay a lil less hate because some dudes in suits just make my morning! Morning and evening travel make me tired though. Like by Friday I am just DONE! Am sure it’s the same for many.
Election day comes and goes…OBAMA WINS!- I then avoid lunch with The Kids. Knowing that American History X and I may have opposite political views (he wears PLAID TIES)…and the fact that others may share these views and talk sideways about Obama winning causing me to then punch them in the face…and then be jobless with a criminal record- would not be a good thing. I am totally open to opposing political views (I mean I wanna have hate sex with the kid), but not this week. This week was about pride and being totally content for a bit. I wore celebratory cute shit. Even broke out the black fishnets (still classy, remember corporate).
So, I lunched with The Coloreds. We hi-fived and discussed where we were when we heard…and also our voting experiences.
By day two, there was DRAMA amongst The Coloreds (um, have read how Lindsay Lohan said something about being happy a COLORED has made it in the White House. One thing for me to say it in my humorous asshole way, another when a coked up ‘gets away with shit because she’s WHITE’ chick says it-don’t think I forgot how when you were caught with the yay’ and you said it was the black dudes you were with!!!!-where was I?)!!!!
You see, JR and J (the gay dude who claims he’s straight who I also wanted to be my gay male bff) got into to it because JR felt J wasn’t being loyal. He had a conversation with this chick that tried to get them both fired. J is all about turning the other cheek.
I could see both sides of it, but I was leaning more towards JR’s because peeps can talk shit and hate me, but don’t eff with my livelihood! They had a big fight…and suddenly the next day, it was just me and JR having lunch.
By Friday, The Kids grew tired of my distance and started emailing me. They emailed about having lunch and having drinks. More importantly, American History X emails me funny ish. We have good banter…and hopefully amazing hate sex. (fingers crossed)
Again, I didn’t make it out for drinks because I already had dinner plans (amazing Japanese in Midtown) and was going to get my palms read- long story, but altogether awesome.
The Kids weren’t pleased, but American History X didn’t care because he wasn’t going to be there.
The cherry on top of a pretty awesome week… contract here has been extended to the end of the year. Sure it’s not that far along, but when you think this was only going to be a few weeks, its pretty sweet.
Now I won’t have to make it clap on a pole…at least until January…