Fic: Fighting

Oct 08, 2009 15:55

Title: Fighting
Author: Pinigir
Fandom: Buffyverse
Characters/Pairing: Angel/Spike
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash, but nothing really explicit. Short.
Timeline: Takes place during Angel season 5.
Summary: Angel and Spike are fighting again, with some unexpected results.
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Joss Whedon and Fox.
Notes: No beta. If you see any mistakes in grammar, spelling and so on, don’t be afraid to point them out to me.


Spike and Angel were fighting. Again. Angel didn’t remember what the fight was all about, but he did know that it was imperative for him to win. He couldn’t let Spike, of all people, get the better of him.

Up to this point they had been fighting verbally, trying to outdo each other with the most imaginative insults they could come up with. It wasn’t getting them anywhere and Angel was getting very, very frustrated.

Finally, Angel had had enough and decided to take this fight to the next level. He wanted it to turn physical. He pushed Spike, shoved himself even more into Spike’s personal space than he already had. Their faces weren’t more than a few inches apart now. What would Spike do?

For about a second, nothing happened. Then, Angel could see an evil glint appear in Spike’s eyes. Before he could think of what this meant, Spike had closed the gap between their faces and was doing something to his face. It took a few moments for Angel to realize what was going on, because it was something that he hadn’t expected. At all.

Spike was kissing him?! Yep, that was definitely what was going on. What the hell? Oh wait, Spike was obviously trying to mess with him, thinking that Angel would back down because of this unexpected move. Not a chance! Two could play that game! Angel did the only thing that seemed sensible in the current situation: he kissed back. Take that, Spike!

Part of Angel had hoped that Spike was bluffing and that he would be the one to back down, now that Angel was reciprocating. It didn’t happen. Clearly, neither of them was ready to lose the fight. They both kept going.

It didn’t stop with the kissing. Soon, hands were roaming places where they normally wouldn’t be tolerated, clothes were being discarded, more and more naked skin was being revealed, breathing was becoming heavier, movements were becoming more frantic... The fight had turned physical alright, but not at all in the way that Angel had anticipated.


Later, Angel was lying on his back, exhausted. The so-called fight was over. He wasn’t sure who had won, but it didn’t matter, really. He had gotten his frustrations out and had gotten something even better in return. He wasn’t going to regret what had happened and rather thought it was a shame that it hadn’t happened sooner. This was definitely something that he wouldn’t mind happening more often. Looking at Spike, who was as exhausted and sated as he was, Angel had a feeling that he would agree with him on this.

That was it! Tell me what you think!

Crazy Vampires can be seen as a sequel to this fic.

buffyverse, fiction

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