"Marin, you have fun with your life"

Jun 13, 2006 10:09

Tysons was fairly entertaining yesterday. Yay for super shopping trips long overdue to a certain Ms. Natalie Snyder... (those elipses are just for you!)

After large amounts of shopping, I went back to Shepherdstown and walked around in search of a much loved capricious handbag... it was black with jingle-ish pseudo-coins on it, thus making it the "not sneaky purse." If you see it around town I would appreciate your picking it up. It contained a rather controversial tape deck wich I would really like to not have to replace.

Also! I went to Martinsburg yesterday to hang at the house Tyler was house-sitting... I wanted to leave before they started the movie (which would tempt me to stay out yet another night) and so I headed out for Shepherdstown Pike. But, to my suprise! I got lost.

Now, I know what you may be thinking. Perhaps something along the lines of "Marin, you have fun with your life." I really do not know how I circumnavigated Martinsburg (including winding through a sketchy neighboorhood with rednecks outside on EVERY SINGLE PORCH staring at me as I turned around in an abandoned lot) and got myself back to a place that I had never been to before, its beyond me.

I will never again lose me cell phone, though! You just wait and see... (appropriate use of elipses.)
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